FPÖ – Amesbauer: “Real border protection and “Fortress Austria” instead of ÖVP Interior Minister Karner’s “welcome service!” | Freedom Parliamentary Club

2023-10-03 12:52:09

Reintroduction of border controls to Slovakia is completely insubstantial without an immediate stop to asylum

Vienna (OTS) “ÖVP Interior Minister Karner practices insubstantial show politics. His border controls are nothing more than a ‘welcome service’ for illegal immigrants, which led to 112,000 asylum applications last year – a negative record number that puts the catastrophic year of 2015 in the deepest shadow. This year, almost 36,000 asylum applications were submitted by the end of August alone. A ‘Fortress Austria’ with an immediate stop to asylum, real border protection and a de-attractiveness of our homeland as a destination country is the only effective measure that can put a stop to this illegal mass immigration! This also includes the immediate end to the climate bonus for asylum seekers, with which the Black-Green Party has created its own pull factor,” commented FPÖ security spokesman NAbg today. Hannes Amesbauer welcomed the Interior Minister’s announcement that he wanted to carry out border controls with Slovakia again from midnight.

The fact that Karner himself only ended border controls with Slovakia in February shows that this is a “more than toothless PR stunt”. “ÖVP Interior Minister Karner is completely helpless in the fight against illegal mass immigration and is trying to throw sand in the eyes of the people who have to suffer the consequences of his total failure with pseudo-measures and pithy statements,” said Amesbauer, who also supports Karner Criticized the “practice-like fight against the ‘smuggling mafia'” as “pure shadow boxing”: “Because this ‘smuggling mafia’ can be stopped from one day to the next – namely by destroying their business basis with an immediate ban on asylum! Because if someone knows that they have no opportunity to stay in Austria after entering Austria illegally, they will not take the often life-threatening journey and pay a smuggler to do it.”

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