FPÖ – Schnedlitz: ÖVP once again as a copier of FPÖ ideas | Liberal Parliament Club

2023-05-08 18:15:04

CO2 storage in rock strata is one of the four central points of the FPÖ environmental protection strategy with common sense

Vienna (OTS) Once again, the ÖVP turned out to be a copier of FPÖ ideas. At an event in the Ministry of Finance, Finance Minister Brunner called for geological CO2 storage in Austria to be an essential building block for ecological transformation. He wants to make five billion euros available for this by 2026. FPÖ General Secretary NAbg. Michael Schnedlitz: “Our FPÖ federal party chairman Herbert Kickl called for this high-tech model, with which fossil energy sources can be made climate-neutral, to be promoted a month and a half ago at a joint press conference with the Salzburg FPÖ leader Marlene Svazek. I am pleased that the ÖVP is now also getting going and is now apparently relying on this technology.”

At the time, Herbert Kickl asked why Austria was neglecting to store CO2 in deep layers of rock, while countries such as Norway and Iceland were already doing so successfully. “We will make sure that in this important area we don’t just stick to a classic ÖVP announcement policy, but also take concrete steps to implement it,” announced the FPÖ Secretary General.

Schnedlitz also recalled the entire four-point program of the Freedom Party, which uses common sense to promote environmental protection and nature conservation: “The course of climate communism currently being pursued by the EU and the Austrian federal government endangers domestic jobs and prosperity in the country. Our approach with common sense makes it possible to combine both. On the way there, we still need cheap Russian gas, a technology offensive to bind CO2 in deep layers of rock, an honest discussion about domestic gas sources and an expansion of renewable energies.”

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