Funeral of Queen Elizabeth II: how much does Brigitte Macron’s outfit cost?

The President of the Republic and the first lady made an arrival in England. In effect, Emmanuel Macron and his wife, Brigitte, had barely set foot on British soil, when the wrath of social networks fell on them. Blame it on a too casual outfit according to some visibly informed observers. However, the controversy did not last long. Since between the time of landing and that of the tributes paid to the queen, this Sunday, the Macron couple had time to change. In order to put on a much more solemn outfit. End of the story ?

Not quite. The holding of Brigitte Macron this Monday for the funeral ofElizabeth II was very noticed, once once more… In a good way. Le magazine Gala even calling it “ultrachic”.

Tribute to French brands

This Monday, the first lady even honored France and its brands by wearing a long black mateau signed Louis Vuitton, “a brand she loves” according to our colleagues (value: 4,000 euros). All associated with a hat from Maison Michel (value: 600 euros) and a pair of gloves from Maison Fabre (Montpensier model, 190 euros), a brand located in Millau in Aveyron.

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