The Undersecretary of the Interior, Manuel Monsalve, announced that this Friday the first automatic transfer of the Shelter Bonus will be made to more than 7,000 families affected by the forest fires in the Valparaíso Region.

A total of 367 thousand pesos will reach each account of family groups registered in the Basic Emergency Files (FIBE) as property owners (3,059), relatives (1,410) and tenants (1,005).

Those who lived in camps that were regarding to be eradicated or relocated will also receive it, although the Housing and Urban Planning Service will give the final figure for this category on Thursday, which for now is estimated at 2,219 homes.

The money will be deposited in the Rut Accounts of those registered the last week of each month, while those who do not have this product “can make the payment via cash at the BancoEstado cash desks,” he specified.

Regarding the latter, he warned that “in the case of the Recovery Bonus, among those who do not have a Rut Account, only 32% have collected it, therefore, 68% have not collected it because surely we have not been able to arrive with the information them”.

Monsalve recalled that the purpose of the Shelter Bonus is that “families can have a temporary roof, whether being sheltered in the home of a relative, a close friend or a friend, and can contribute to the costs of that family or home, or eventually be able to rent.”
