He was arrested for performing a clandestine birth: a woman is serious

Personnel from the 107 emergency service got into the ambulance and went urgently to assist a woman “who was on the verge of death” –according to police sources-.

But when they arrived at the place, located at Talleres 1,268 in the Jardín Espinosa neighborhood, suspicions began: there was a natural medicine center that was not enabled.

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Upon entering, they were greeted by a 75-year-old man who introduced himself as the owner. there was one 36 year old woman, who had recently given birth. She was unbalanced on a bed.

The owner, identified as Armando Machone, stated that he collaborated in the labor of the mother of Colombian nationality. It was 3:30 in the morning on Wednesday.

The 107 doctor diagnosed the patient with “hypovolemic shock due to home birth.” The baby was stable. They were immediately transferred to the Provincial Maternal Hospital. The young woman was hospitalized in serious condition.

Hours later, Macheone was arrested for illegal practice of medicine, a crime that provides for a prison sentence of 15 days to one year.

Prosecutor Rubén Caro, in charge of the investigation, spoke with The twelve and detailed that they seized “existing instruments and documentation, among other requested evidence.”

Meanwhile, it seeks to establish what was happening in that center. At the moment, he could not confirm if they performed clandestine births and abortions, if there are previous complaints and if the man was a licensed doctor.

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