Residents of Latvia are waiting for an increase in their standard of living. Unlike citizens of other EU countries

In Latvia, 34% of residents hope that their standard of living will improve over the next five years, while in the European Union (EU) an average of 15% hope for an increase in living standards, according to the latest Eurobarometer survey.

During the survey, 39% of Latvian residents assumed that their standard of living would not change, while in the EU, on average, 49% of respondents think so.

During the survey, 19% of Latvian residents said they expect their living standards to decline in the next five years, while in the EU, on average, 32% of residents made such pessimistic forecasts.

Assessing the future of the EU, 69% of Latvian residents said in the survey that they were optimistic about it, while the EU average was slightly lower – 61%. 26% of Latvian residents and 35% of EU residents surveyed are pessimistic about the future of the EU.

The spring Eurobarometer survey was conducted by the research agency Verian from February 7 to March 3 in all 27 EU countries. The survey was conducted face-to-face; additionally, video interviews were used in the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland and Malta. A total of 26,411 interviews were conducted. The EU results were calculated based on the population size of each country.

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2024-05-12 01:38:49

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