Health Canada Advisory: Risk of Microbial Contamination in Rhinaris Nasal Spray

2023-07-16 05:00:44

Health Canada has issued an advisory regarding a risk of microbial growth associated with the use of the Rhinaris nasal spray.

The affected product is the 30 mL atomizer, with UPC 5760622302 and lot number 230391A. The expiry date on the package is May 31, 2025. Available over the counter, it is used to moisturize and lubricate the nasal passages for dryness in adults and children two years of age and older.

The product from Pendopharm, a division of Pharmascience Inc., was contaminated with germs during conception, which could cause a sinus infection, also called rhinosinusitis.

In fact, the company’s analyzes have determined that the preservative used in the product may be less effective than expected, which could increase the risk of the proliferation over time of microbes, such as mold. or bacteria, if they enter the product.

Children, pregnant people, seniors and people with weakened immune systems could be more susceptible to infection or developing complications from microbial contamination.

Although rare, rhinosinusitis can cause serious complications, such as nasal abscess (accumulation of pus), cellulitis (skin infection) or meningitis (infection and inflammation of the membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord, as well as surrounding liquid).

Although the growth of other microbes is possible, the tests revealed that the preservative may not prevent the growth of a particular type of bacteria called Pseudomonas aeruginosa if introduced into the product.

In people with weakened immune systems from other serious disorders, especially cystic fibrosis, HIV infection or AIDS, acute lung disease, cancer, diabetes or burns, contracting this bacteria can lead to serious infections.

It is recommended to return the product to a pharmacy for proper disposal. It is also possible to consult a health professional in case of concerns relating to the health of an individual who has used the product. (N.P.)

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