Health Net” The risk of blood clots increases in six months after contracting Wuhan pneumonia, and severe patients increase the risk of stroke-News Fax-Free Health Network

Studies have shown that the probability of pulmonary thrombosis in patients with severe pneumonia in the future is 290 times that of ordinary people; the picture is a situational photo, and the people in the picture have nothing to do with this article. (Picture taken from Shutterstock)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]A Swedish study shows that after contracting Wuhan pneumonia (new coronavirus disease, COVID-19), the risk of serious blood clots increases in the next 6 months. according to”BBC“The report pointed out that the researchers found that the severe cases and those infected in the first wave of the epidemic had the highest risk of thrombosis. It is speculated that there is no vaccine for the first wave of epidemics, which highlights the importance of vaccines to help fight the virus.

The study tracked about 1 million people infected with pneumonia in Sweden from February 2020 to May 2021, and compared them with 4 million people of the same age and sex who had not tested positive. The study was published inbritish medical journalBMJ)。

Studies have shown that patients with moderate to severe disease have an increased risk of internal bleeding (including stroke) within 2 months of infection; increased risk of leg blood clots and deep vein thrombosis (DVT) within 3 months of infection; 6 months of infection There is an increased risk of pulmonary blood clots or pulmonary embolisms.

The researchers found that deep vein thrombosis occurred in four out of every 10,000 people with Wuhan pneumonia, and only one in every 10,000 people who didn’t have the disease. The risk of blood clots in the lungs is even higher, about 17 in 10,000 in people with lung cancer and less than 1 in 10,000 in people who are not infected.

Studies have shown that patients with severe pulmonary embolism are 290 times more likely to have blood clots in the lungs than normal people, and 7 times that of patients with mild symptoms. Anne-Marie Fors Connolly, lead study investigator at Umea universitet in Sweden, said that for those who haven’t been vaccinated, it’s a good reason to get vaccinated because of the virus. The risk of blood clots after vaccination is much higher than the risk after vaccination.

Connolly said that it is still impossible to prove that the virus caused the blood clot, but there are several theories to explain the situation, including: it may be an overreaction of the body to the virus, or the virus directly affects the level of blood vessels.

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