Health Network “Daily intake of protein is very important, nutritionist lists 6 benefits-Instant News-Free Health Network

Dietitians say the best is high-quality protein from whole foods, which contains complete essential amino acids; pictured in context. (Picture taken from photoAC)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]Do you know how much protein a person needs to consume every day? What’s in it? Nutritionist Li Qiyun posted on Facebook fan page “Zero Distance Nutritionist David Li QiyunThe article stated that it is best to take high-quality protein from natural food, which contains complete essential amino acids; if it is difficult for foodies or fitness people to meet the needs of natural protein for a day, they need to supplement high-protein supplements, just any Nutrients should follow the principle of appropriate amount.

How much protein should you consume in a day?

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention of the Ministry of Health and Welfare recommends that the public should consume 1.1g/kg for adults, 1.2g/kg for seniors over 70 years old, and a higher recommended amount of protein for the elderly to prevent frailty and sarcopenia. Li Qiyun also added that exercise Bodybuilders recommend that the intake should be higher.

Please read on…

●The daily recommended intake of protein for adults is = body weight (kg) × 1.1 (g).
●Elderly people over 70 years old = body weight (kg) × 1.2 (g) of protein.
●Sports and fitness group = body weight (kg) × 1.5~1.7 (g) of protein.

Gain muscle and accelerate tissue repair

Promote growth and development

During the period of the most vigorous growth and development of children, nutritional balance is particularly important, among which protein is particularly important; different growth stages require different amounts of protein. The recommended protein intake for children and adolescents is: body weight (kg) × 1.2∼ 1.4 (g), two-thirds of which are recommended to consume high-quality protein such as eggs, dairy products, fish, and lean meat.

Weight loss increases satiety

Abundant protein can stabilize the blood sugar rise rate, slow down the rate of calorie storage, less hunger, if you drink some soy milk before a big meal, you can increase the feeling of satiety and reduce the chance of the table getting out of control and sweeping the table!

Accelerates repair of damaged tissue

The “materials” the body needs to build new tissue or repair old tissue and maintain the balance of blood, muscle, enzymes, antibodies, and water. Insufficient protein intake will delay wound healing and reduce resistance. For example, adequate high-quality protein is very important for patients with diabetic wounds.

Reduce muscle loss and prevent sarcopenia

Many elderly people lose muscle mass, often suffer from sarcopenia, and it is difficult to chew meat with their teeth. They can choose soft foods such as tofu or fish. In addition, they can also consult a doctor to use protein supplements.

bodybuilding muscle building

Muscle building is the destruction of muscles through training, causing muscle damage, and then replenishing protein. Protein is an important element of muscle synthesis. It can help repair muscle fibers, promote muscle repair and reconstruction to increase muscle mass, and muscles help burn calories and improve our sports performance.

Shiny skin and hair

Hair is composed of keratin. When the protein in the body is not enough, nutrients will not be delivered to the scalp, and a lot of hair loss will occur in the long run. The dermis under the skin epidermis is all collagen fibers. Collagen fibers are a type of protein, and deficiency can lead to dry and loose skin.

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