Health Network” HPV infection is not necessarily a cancer doctor: most of them will heal on their own-Instant News-Free Health Network

Physicians encourage women to have regular Pap smears regardless of sexual experience or infection. (file photo)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]Does HPV infection mean cancer? Hou Zhenbang, a urologist at Chang Gung Memorial Hospital in Linkou, posted on FacebookFrontline Urology Department of Health Technology Hou Zhenbang“Explains that not all HPV viruses will turn into cancer, and most of them will heal on their own within 1-2 years of infection, because there are no symptoms or even detection, but he reminded that people with low immunity or long-term repeated infection should pay attention.

Hou Zhenbang said that according to US statistics, the infection rate of women is as high as 80% in their lifetime, that is to say, the probability of women not being infected in their lifetime is only 20%. A recent screening study in Taiwan also shows that the prevalence rate of women infected with HPV is about 20%. 10%, in other words, 1 in 10 random women will be infected, so he encourages women to have regular Pap smears, regardless of sexual experience, or whether they have been infected or not, HPV vaccination can reduce the chance of future reinfection , and safe sex, single-sex partners, is the most fundamental way to prevent HPV infection.

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Hou Zhenbang explained that although HPV types 16 and 18 are related to cervical cancer and external genital cancer in both men and women, and HPV types 6 and 11 are related to genital warts commonly known as cauliflower, most HPV viruses do not develop into cancer. It is mentioned that most people infected with HPV have no symptoms, and within 1-2 years of infection, nearly 90% of the virus will disappear and heal on their own, so many people do not know they have been infected throughout their lives, but he also said , Patients with low immunity, long-term repeated infection, and unawareness, are more likely to develop cancer of the external reproductive system in the future.

Hou Zhenbang mentioned that men can also consider getting vaccinated. Although there is insufficient clinical evidence to prevent their partners from contracting cervical cancer and their own penile cancer and glans cancer, it can indeed reduce the chance of virus infection, protect themselves, and protect their loved ones. . He believes that if you know that you or your loved one is accidentally infected with the HPV virus, you should not do an “epidemic investigation” yourself. He said that, according to his own experience, the gender problems derived from HPV infection are always greater than health problems.

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