Health reasons why you feel cold all the time

The country is going through a winter wave that has caused severe flooding in various regions of Colombia; In the capital of the country there have been low temperatures that have increased the spread of various viruses, which is why the population has had to take various measures to avoid getting sick. People who are intolerant to low temperatures live a nightmare in winter when they feel that nothing warms them. However, there are some causes that may be behind this episode.

Alyssa Tucci, nutritionist and director of the company Compass Nutrition, mentions that the cold, in certain people, is located more frequently in certain areas of the body. “The most common are cold sensations in the legs and arms. The body is intelligent and is dedicated to keeping the brain, the heart and the rest of the body’s organs warm”.

It is possible that by frequently feeling cold there is a lack of iron or vitamin B12 in the body; It can also occur when a person has circulation problems or is mild to moderately dehydrated. The nutritionist lists some common reasons someone might feel endlessly cold.

Many people believe that they do not consume enough iron; however, most of the time it is because the body has a lack of vitamin B12. When this component is lacking, a sensation of low body temperature can occur; also a certain weakness. Meats are the products that contain this component the most, which is why vegetarians have to increase their consumption of eggs, yogurt and cheese in order to acquire this vitamin from other sources.

According to the Mayo Clinic, vitamin B-12 (cobalamin) plays an essential role in red blood cell formation, cell metabolism, nerve function and the production of DNA (the molecules within cells that carry genetic information).

Experts have always recommended sleeping the necessary hours so that the body can recover. You must sleep eight hours continuously, during the night, or at least six, without interruptions; When you do not sleep enough, chronic fatigue can occur that can decrease the functioning of the metabolism, modifying the body temperature during the night and that is why the body has to make a greater effort to maintain the temperature at normal levels.

Vitamin B12 is found in a wide variety of foods of animal origin. – Foto: Getty Images/iStockphoto

Fats are good for the body when those that bring health benefits are consumed, such as those found in avocado, extra virgin olive oil, salmon, among others. “Fat allows one to feel satiated and tempered.”

When you frequently feel cold in your legs and arms there may be poor circulation behind this symptom. For this, it is essential to consult a doctor to make an assessment and to know the causes of said symptom. To maintain body temperature at its proper levels, it is important to perform physical activity frequently.

When the body does not have enough water, the blood cannot circulate properly. “Water manages to maintain body heat, so the lack of it makes the body have to look for regulatory factors elsewhere.” Experts recommend consuming six to eight glasses of water a day, which is equivalent to two liters.

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