Healthcare Premium Initiatives: A Comprehensive Analysis and Comparison for Voters

2024-03-04 20:55:59

No less than 64% of voters would accept the socialist initiative, which demands that no insured person have to pay more than 10% of their income for health insurance premiums. 42% of young people under 34 say “yes” and 22% “rather yes”. Retirees are even more in favor of the text, with 50% “yes” and 22% “rather yes”. Socialist voters are the most enthusiastic, since they favor the text by 88%. The approval rate is lowest among PLR supporters (43%).

Read more: Sickness premiums: faced with the socialist initiative, the counter-project of all the dangers

A second “yes”, to curb health costs

The Center’s initiative is also favored by the sovereign. No less than 72% of respondents say they support it (37% “yes”, 35% “rather yes”). The text provides for a brake on health costs, which should evolve according to the economy and salaries. This mechanism functions as a brake on Confederation spending. When the increase in health costs is more than 20% compared to that of wages, the government must take measures to lower costs.

Read also: Genevan Vincent Maître becomes one of the three vice-presidents of the Center

The differences between parties are less marked than for the PS text. The liberal-radicals are in favor at 67%, the socialists and the Greens at 71%. Support rises to 81% among Center voters. For this purpose, we observe no divide between generations, nor a gap between cities and countryside. The level of training does not influence the vote either: people who have completed compulsory school support the initiative at 77%, those with a university qualification at 68%.

Three objects on health on June 9

The survey focuses on the two health insurance premium initiatives. Two other objects are put to a vote on June 9: the referendum against the energy reform adopted in September by Parliament and the initiative “For freedom and physical integrity”, launched in the context of Covid-19 by the Swiss Freedom Movement, which intends to exclude any vaccination obligation.

In total, 30,384 people participated in this survey carried out from February 29 to March 3 by the Leewas Institute on behalf of Tamedia and 20 Minuten. They were questioned as part of the exit poll carried out during Sunday’s federal votes on pensions. The margin of error is +/- 1.6 points.

#Swiss #favor #socialist #initiative #reducing #health #premiums

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