Heatwave: 360 dead in 6 days, the toll of extreme temperatures is already very heavy in Spain

The heat wave in Spain is extreme, not only in the levels reached but also in the duration. And it’s not over.

According to the latest data published by the Spanish health agency this Saturday July 16, a peak of 123 deaths in one day was reached on Friday July 15 in Spain. But fears are now focused on the results of this weekend with still extreme temperatures.

The toll keeps getting worse every day. From 41 deaths on Tuesday July 12 and 60 deaths on Wednesday July 13, the authorities deplored the following days, July 14 and July 15, the worst days of the heat wave. This Thursday, 93 heat-related deaths were recorded, a figure that rose to 123 on Friday July 15.

In some municipalities, values ​​close to 44 or 45ºC were recorded in the Tajo, Guadiana and Guadalquivir valleys. The mercury rose to 42ºC in the shade in the Miño Valley and 41ºC in the Ebro Valley.

Since July 10, the Ministry of Health has seen a continuous escalation in heat-related deaths.

The red warning for maximum temperatures will be concentrated this Sunday in Aragón, Navarra and La Rioja, for values ​​that might exceed 43ºC https://t.co/3iMpIfGFZ7

— Europa Press (@europapress) July 16, 2022

At the same time, Spain is plagued by violent fires, mainly in the South. But the north, like Catalonia, is not spared. Sabadell airport is temporarily closed following a fire outbreak near the runways this Saturday.

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The Barcelona region, for its part, also activated level 3 of its Forest Fire Risk Plan this Friday “before the heat wave intensifies”, indicates La Vanguardia.

Vegetation fire and orchard area near Sabadell airport, which has also affected two modules of the facilities (warning 12.46h). The fire is already encircled and we are just soaking the area. #Bomberscat we have moved 8 ground crews and 1 #mayor. pic.twitter.com/V7vuSCJAYG

– Bombers (@bomberscat) July 16, 2022

The firefighters of the Catalan capital ask “maximum caution and collaboration” to the population and recall in particular the ban on carrying out forestry work or any activity “capable of generating sparks within 500 meters of the forest massif”.

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