“Heel landing” and “walking with long strides” are absolutely NG… “How to walk full of misunderstandings” for those who get exhausted just by commuting The ideal image is ninja-like “pulling out, adding legs” | PRESIDENT Online (President Online) )

2023-06-10 03:00:00

What should I do to get rid of my body fatigue? Takashi Natsushima, a medical trainer, says, “The cause of fatigue is the habit of walking against gravity. Stop landing on your heels or walking with long strides and be conscious of ‘landing on your toes.'” –.

*This article is written by Takashi NatsushimaLoosen in 10 seconds Even people with stiff bodies can easily become soft. “Shin flexible method” that is not tight and does not hurt](Ascom) was re-edited.

Photo: iStock.com/paprikaworks

※The photograph is an image

If I continue walking the way I am now, I will continue to get tired forever

Have you ever learned how to walk from someone?

Most of you will answer “no”. People who visit my clinic say, “I will be able to walk without learning how to walk” or “I have never thought about how to walk in the first place.” Most of you haven’t.

It is said that walking is good for your health. Walking, or moderate aerobic exercise, is effective in staying healthy and in good shape. That’s right.

According to a joint study by the University of Tsukuba graduate school and health equipment manufacturer Tanita, the average number of steps per day for business people with offices in Tokyo is 11,500. This number exceeds the daily target of 8,000 steps recommended by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.

I’m well over my step goal, but not too much, so why am I exhausted every day? It is possible that your “walking style” is a major cause of fatigue.

It’s not just about walking a lot. Pedometer numbers aren’t everything. The important thing is to learn how to walk without putting too much strain on your body.

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