Henry Cavill and the actors who have had embarrassing erections during filming

Although it is true that the famous They often speak in a derogatory way regarding the sex scenes considering them uncomfortable and unsatisfactory, they are also human and feel beyond what professional. That is why some well-known actors have had to deal with erections in the middle of the recordings.

Although the celebrities they are usually in the middle of lights, a performance faking arousaldirectors giving directions, staff recording and naked bodies, their bodies have betrayed them and they have been victims of nature, so they have not been ashamed to tell their friends regarding it. fans.

Celebs who have had erections in full recording

Henry Cavill

Cavill is considered one of the most handsome men in the world and he himself recounted the mishap he had during a sex scene.

“It has only happened to me once and it was very embarrassing. The girl, who had to be on top of me, had spectacular breasts and I didn’t have time to relocate my… my things in a more secure position. She started rubbing all over my body and I, uhm, ended up getting a boner,” she confessed.

Mario Casas

The Spaniard also had no problem revealing what it’s like to film erotic scenes in front of the cameras and even revealed that he had the option of wearing a sock on his member.

“It is very false. You think there are 30 people watching. It’s cold and it’s unpleasant. and put something there [señala la entrepierna]… what do you wear, what do you wear? a sock? [risas] It’s ridiculous. There are many tricks. The girls put on like a little piece of brown cloth and stick it on there. With guys, either you put that, or a little sock or a stocking… ”, she pointed out.

However, he also said that he prefers not to wear anything and that when he gets an erection he apologizes.

“You apologize. It has happened to me… ‘sorry, nature is like that’ ”, she concluded.

Ewan McGregor

The famous person who has participated in tapes such as Beauty and the Beast, Trainspotting and Doctor Sleephe had to experience something similar to Henry Cavill, when he recorded a romantic scene with one of his co-stars and they had to be completely naked.

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The actor recounted that he was forced to ask for a break to relax and concentrate on what he was doing.

Hugh Grant

Contrary to his other colleagues, the actor is not bothered by sex scenes, nor the reactions that, therefore, your body may have.

“The romantic scenes are extremely difficult. You are always an inch away from sentimentality or disaster. But the sex scenes are really something else. The conventional answer when asked regarding these types of scenes is to say that they are horrible, not sexy at all, and very unnatural. But in my case, filming sex scenes is very exciting, they turn me on. I like the feeling of being in a sexual position when you’re not supposed to be in it,” Grant confessed.

Joaquin Phoenix

Joaquin Phoenix mightn’t control a boner while shooting with Scarlett Johansson and her I faked an orgasm.

“We tried to get through a take, and he was losing control. He left the studio. He needed a break, ”said the actress regarding the scene in which she faked an orgasm.

Robert Pattinson

“Once I decided to give up acting, it was when I did ‘Without limits’. I played Salvador Dali and I had to do a lot of scenes where he was naked, and I also had to masturbate. Really. My orgasm face is etched for eternity. It wasn’t working out so I had to pleasure myself in front of the camera,” he revealed.

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