“He’s going to be the next president”

2023-06-28 00:34:06

After the tension unleashed by the closing of lists over the weekend, this Tuesday the president Alberto Fernandez showed for the first time your support for the candidacy of Sergio Massa, which sealed the unity of a large part of Unión por la Patria. «He will be the next president of the Argentines» the president told the Minister of Economy, during an event that both shared organized by the Argentine Chamber of Construction.

“Sergio just spoke and he wanted to stay to listen to me, but he has to go to fix the Fund problem So I told him ‘come on, that’s more important,’ Fernández began by saying, after the head of the Palacio de Hacienda led a speech before the businessmen of the sector.

And he added: «Equally, today you have a privilege, an important privilege and that is that you are going to listen to the opinion of the President of the Argentine people in a little while and They have just heard the opinion of the future President”.

The president, who before the closing of the lists was in favor of the PASO in the ruling party, assured that the candidate to succeed him “uses arguments similar to mine in relation to the pandemic, war and drought“, given that “that really happened«.

«will be the next president“, Fernández concluded, before an audience made up of leaders, investors and businessmen linked to the construction industry, whose chamber brought together the main leaders of the national government this afternoon.

Alberto Fernández pointed out against the management of Mauricio Macri: “Not everything is the same in politics”

During his speech, the President referred to the agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and assured that when he came to government in 2019, the organization was required to «a guarantee to use 2% of GDP in public works“, which “it did not cause him any grace» to their authorities.

Along these lines, he considered that public investment in infrastructure «It’s fundamental» for economic activity and affirmed that during his administration there were «more than double» of works compared to the presidency of Mauricio Macri.

“We had difficult times, but we do not stop doing, we did public works because we believed that the whole country needed them. There is not a single municipality in Argentina that has not received a work and if there is, come here and deny me“, challenged the head of state, in another passage of his presentation before the Annual Convention of the Argentine Chamber of Construction.

He also highlighted the role of the Minister of Public Works, Gabriel Katoopodisto whom he attributed a “works plan such as the country had not had for a long time”, and asked that he be remembered in time, comparing his management with that of the sanitarian Ramon CarrilloMinister of Health during the governments of Juan Domingo Perón.

#Hes #president

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