Homemade and effective tricks to clean permanent marker stains

How much have we suffered to remove the stain of a permanent marker? This seems to be impossible, but the truth is that it is quite a complicated task. But luckily there are a number of homemade tricks that we can use to say goodbye to those uncomfortable stains on clothes.

The first thing we must do is act immediately, that is, we have to treat the stain as quickly as possible to eliminate it. Therefore, you should take note of all the tips that we will give you below to get rid of permanent marker stains on your shirt, blouse or any favorite garment.

The best homemade tricks to clean permanent marker stains from your clothes.
The best homemade tricks to clean permanent marker stains from your clothes.

Homemade tricks to clean marker stains

Hair spray
Specialists recommend placing a paper towel under the permanent marker stain, then spraying hairspray over it, and rubbing with a cotton swab. The paper towel will absorb the stain and prevent it from seeping through to the other side of the garment.

To remove marker stains, simply apply a little acetone to the stain and rub with a paper towel until the stain is gone. After that, wash the garment without using detergent, only with a cup of sal and cold water.

Toothpaste and baking soda
Baking soda toothpaste mix is ​​also one of the homemade tricks effective for removing permanent marker stains from clothing. Once you have made the paste, rub the stain and wait a few seconds before wiping with a damp cloth in circular motions.

Stain remover
Pour the stain remover on the affected area, let it act for a few seconds, dry the product with a paper towel and clean until the stain disappears.

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