How do you manage your children’s screen time? Tell us about your experience

2023-04-17 15:40:32

For the first time, a study carried out at the national level was able to quantify the time spent by children, especially the youngest, in front of screens. And the results are worrying if we refer to the official recommendations. Daily screen time averaged 56 minutes at age 2, 1h20 at age 3.5 and 1h34 at age 5.5. These durations are higher than the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO) which recommends not exposing children under 2 to screens, then limiting the time to 1 hour per day between 2 and 5 years old.

The survey is carried out by INED (National Institute for Demographic Studies) and Inserm (National Institute for Health and Medical Research). It is the first devoted to monitoring children from birth to adulthood. Thus, it includes more than 18,000 children born in 2011, followed for a period of 20 years.

And you, how do you manage the time spent in front of your children’s screens? Do you completely ban screens? What are your tips for limiting screen time? On the contrary, have you decided not to specifically control the time spent by your children in front of a screen? Tell us.

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