How do you train for a marathon?

Foto: Pexels

As an avid runner, it’s pretty crazy that I’ve never run a marathon. Of course I cheered on marathon runners on the sidelines and the endorphins were palpable. Sometimes you saw that they could no longer do it. My brother also once ran the full marathon and is now training again. I will? It’s running through my head. Something is holding me back, but I don’t know exactly what.

I have already mastered running, I can easily run ten kilometers. Only those 42 kilometers sound very long. Moreover, I have no urge to prove anything. And somehow all marathon runners have that. They see running the entire marathon as a major achievement. It is! Because imitate it… I don’t.

This is how you train for a marathon

Of course, that has to do with training and that will take some time. Always build up your training slowly and gradually and do not train very hard with 42 kilometers in your legs every week.

1. Know your body

Do you have weak ankles or knees? Then don’t keep running like crazy. In this way you will worsen the complaints in the long run and you will no longer be able to complete a marathon. Do you need a break from running? Do! Are other people running past you? Does not matter!

2. Take it easy

An app can help you build up your running slowly. Think of Strava, Runkeeper, Nike Run of Eva. These apps tell you how to build up your running sensibly, which sometimes also means taking a step back. Just take a walk in between. In this way vary your speeds and train your endurance. The more you train this way, the further you can ultimately run.

3. Frequency

It is wise to train for an hour at least three times a week. Rest is one mustbecause your body needs time to recover. However, this is true in the beginning. We will soon explain ‘how to proceed’.

4. More physical activities?

Running burns quite a few calories and essentially trains your entire system. However, it is useful to also weight training to do and, for example, give your abdominal muscles a boost. This way your lower back is supported. Stretching is also important.

5. How do you proceed before and after training?

Yoga and stretching exercises are perfect. This way the tension is released from your muscles and you can start ‘smoothly’. After training is a massage or warm bath always welcome to relax the muscles. Foam rolling is also a good option.

6. And then the real work

For a marathon (42.195 km) you spend an average of about 18 weeks training. This means running three times a week and keeping two days free for activities such as strength or cross training. On day one of running you start with 6 km, day two you stick to 9 km and day 3 you see 9 km as a minimum, adding three km every week. Never go all the way by running those 42 km at the end.

Shortly before you participate in a marathon, it is important that you are in good shape, but that there is energy and strength left for the entire marathon. run. And also not unimportant: warming-ups. Jump, keeping your knees high while standing in one spot and again listen carefully to your body.

7. A lot of it is mental, so once you know that, you’ll be fine

Many people have a mild panic attack before the starting signal sounds. Not surprising, because when I think that I have to do the lap I am running now times 8, I also panic. Remember that you have trained well and that your body can handle a lot.

You can easily run those last few kilometers! We allow ourselves to be guided too much by our brain, because when it says: “stop it, you’re going to break down soon”, we tend to accept it. Provide enough motivation and your heart muscle will do the rest.

In no worries, because you have enough distractions during the marathon. In addition, the enthusiasm of the supporters takes away a large part of the panic. Happy running!

Mindful running or jogging: everyone can do it this way

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