How to explain a loss of libido?

have libido

A loss of libido is likely to occur at some point in life, due to events such as romantic separation, the death of a loved one, dismissal… But if the situation persists, it could reveal a deep problem. Learn all about the causes of low libido.

What is loss of libido?

Also called sexual desire, the libido is the need to indulge in sexual intercourse. It usually occurs spontaneously or in response to a partner, a thought or an image.

Several factors have an impact on sexual appetite, including psychological health, physical state, relationships between partners, events that punctuate daily life (mourning, pregnancy, etc.).

Thus, loss of libido is nothing but a decrease or lowering of sexual urges. It affects women and men at certain times of life, which is why it is unnecessary to worry about it.

But when one of the partners is worried, the situation can become problematic.

What are the causes of a loss of libido?

When the libido is little stimulated or regularly less than we would like, it is advisable to look for the causes. These are physical or mental.


In case of anxiety, the body releases cortisol and adrenaline. The blood vessels are then dilated, which prevents the maintenance of the erection (in men).

The Depression

Depression is a very unpleasant feeling that affects daily life. Because of her, you might stop enjoying sex.

To combat depression, it is advisable to consult a doctor or a psychologist.

The alcohol

Alcohol affects nerve damage, which could cause a drop in sensitivity. While women would suffer from long-term dehydration, men would be affected by erectile dysfunction.

The cigarette

Nicotine affects blood circulation by contracting the vessels and causing them to lose their elasticity.

Blood circulation is no longer optimal to the genitals, resulting in a gradual loss of libido.

The lack of sports

Sport has a positive effect on physical and mental health. It promotes the release of endorphins, i.e. pleasure hormones.

A lack of exercise would therefore lead to a loss of libido.

No criterion allows a true evaluation of the libido because each individual is different in this regard. So don’t stress about it. Anyway, know that a psychiatrist or a general practitioner is able to provide a diagnosis on the causes of the loss of sexual desire.

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