How to increase the defenses of the lungs to prevent diseases?

modern life

The consumption of these foods not only protects the immune system against foreign agents, but also provides other benefits to the body.


According to the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS), to reduce the risk of respiratory diseases and strengthen defenses, foods that are rich in antioxidants should be included in a diet because they block free radicals that damage body cells and have the ability to strengthen the immune system.

For this reason, the department of the Government of Mexico, specifies through the health professional, Manuel Huerta, head of Nutrition of the Psychiatric Hospital with Family Medicine Unit (HP/UMF), that some investigations corroborate that the consumption of vitamin C, being an effective antioxidant helps “in the reduction of inflammation in the lungs”, all this caused by diseases such as Covid-19 that in the year 2020 changed many social, mental and economic dynamics.

The effect of vitamin D on the respiratory system may be favorable; since according to the files of Bronconeumología de la International Journal of Spanish Respiratory Society of Pulmonology and Thoracic Surgeryin the article titled “Role of vitamin D in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma and other respiratory diseases”led by Jaime García de Tena, among others, confirms that vitamin D deficiency is associated with respiratory diseases, appreciating that some patients with a diagnosis of asthma and COPD could present improvement if their absence in the body is corrected.

Respiratory diseases

It is then that chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) “is the third leading cause of death in the world. In 2019, it caused 3.23 million deaths,” says the World Health Organization (WHO), so tobacco use, including the inhalation of smoke and other toxic substances, may be factors that are more relevant for development. of this disease.

Another of the conditions that harm lungs is asthma, a problem that causes swelling in the airways, thus generating mucus. As he points out, National Institutes of Health (NIH): The airways “are tubes that carry air and allow” it to enter and exit the lungs.

Finally, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) describes the immune system as a “complex network of cells, tissues, organs, and substances that produce and help the body fight infections and other diseases,” which is strengthens when an eating plan rich in fruits and vegetables is maintained, which are made up of vitamins that prevent a drop in defenses, however, some other habits are essential, such as proper hygiene that involves frequent hand washing, for example.

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