How to reduce pimples, treat pimples, say goodbye to uneven face problems

How to reduce pimples. How to do it? For anyone who has problems with pimples on the forehead, pimples on the cheeks, no need to worry anymore. Because we have a secret to treat pimples. How to reduce pimples naturally and urgently

Have you ever noticed that on days when faced with hot weather, skin problems that often follow are pimpleThe small granules are more frequent, and sometimes there is also an itchy irritation. by the forehead and cheeks It is considered a source of pimples. good clogged acne Even if it is a small pimple, it is not inflamed as a purulent head. But it often happens so often that it’s annoying. If anyone wants to findHow to reduce pimplesDistracting. Today, the dot com jar will take you to know the cause of pimples. Ready.acne treatmentPrickly heat, both natural and urgent

Pimples are caused by what?

Pimples (Acne Estivalis, Mallorca acne), also known as “pseudo-acne” or “stone acne”, is a type of acne that looks like a small blister-like rash that usually occurs in hot weather. from noon to afternoon It appears as granules on the face. It can occur for many reasons as follows:

  • blockage of sweat glands on the skin until becoming a small blister
  • Prolonged exposure to heat such as sunlight, being in a hot area Use warm water to wash your face often.
  • Irritations on the skin such as allergies to skin creams, cosmetics, various pollutants in both water and air.
  • The fungus P. ovale, which reacts with the skin around the sebaceous glands on the face, causing pimples to appear.
  • Inadequate sleep, stress, or malnutrition It can be a factor that causes pimples as well.

Where are the most common areas for acne breakouts?

The area where pimples are most common is on the face. but besides that Other areas of skin can be pimples as well. Let’s see where pimples usually appear.

  • pimple on forehead It is the area where sweat stains flow down onto the forehead. can cause rash including anyone with bangs If you don’t wash your hair regularly, it can make acne breakouts more prone as well.
  • pimple on cheek It is the next area where there is a lot of pimples. Especially nowadays, who wear masks on a regular basis. Therefore, acne caused by masks may be found.
  • pimples on neck, shoulders Because it is another area that sweats a lot. Can cause pimples, not allergic to the face
  • pimples on the back It is an area that is damp from sweat. and frequent wear and tear from the clothes

How to reduce pimples naturally

1. Modify one’s behavior

Reducing pimples can start easily by modifying your own behavior, such as avoiding touching, picking, sheep, scratching your face because your hands may not be clean enough. May cause pimples or other acne breakouts should also eat nutritious food. Drink 8 glasses of water a day or about 1.5 – 2 liters to add moisture – balance to the skin. and should have enough rest

2. Avoid sunlight.

Sunlight and heat are the major contributors to acne breakouts. Both pimples on the forehead and pimples on the cheeks Therefore, if you want to reduce pimples, the first step is to try not to go to a place where the weather is very hot. If you really need to be exposed to the sun, you should use a sunscreen that is suitable for your skin type, less oily, does not cause clogging. and has a high sun protection value, such as SPF 30 PA +++, and if sweating a lot Use a clean cloth to gently blot sweat, do not wipe your face too hard. to reduce skin disturbances

3. Wash your face properly.

Should wash your face with cold water instead of warm water only twice a day, using a facial cleanser suitable for your skin. Contains no irritating ingredients like perfume and alcohol to wash away dirt. Oiliness on the face and bacteria, including helping to make the skin stronger. Finally, use a clean towel to gently blot until completely dry. This is the best way to reduce the chance of pimples on your forehead, cheeks, and chin.


4. Refrain from using creams or drugs that irritate the skin.

Using certain creams or medications can irritate your skin and cause breakouts easily. Such as retinoic acid, benzoid peroxide, AHA, BHA, which have ingredients to exfoliate and dry out the skin. Therefore, the severity of each person’s skin condition is not the same. If a pimple appears during use, it should be discontinued first. You should also seek information before use or consult your pharmacist about the side effects of that medication or product.

5. Wash your face with lemon juice.

A common ingredient in the kitchen is lemon. It is considered a powerful herb to treat acne vulgaris. You can bring freshly squeezed lemon juice mixed with a little warm water. To prevent the lemon juice from being too concentrated and burning your face. Then take a cotton ball moistened with lemon juice prepared to wipe the acne-prone area, leave it for 10-20 minutes, then rinse with clean water. do it once a week It can help your face far away from pimples.

6. Mask with tomatoes.

If you feel that lemons have too many strong acids on your skin. Try switching to tomatoes. Because there are lycopene, carotenoids, beta-carotene and various vitamins that are good for the skin and can also reduce acne breakouts as well. Just blend the tomatoes thoroughly. Then apply the mask on the face and leave it for 30-60 minutes, then rinse with clean water. Facial skin will gradually become stronger and pimples are visibly reduced.

7. Detox your skin with egg whites

Every home must have eggs in the refrigerator for sure. The egg whites are incredibly effective in getting rid of pimples. First of all, separate the egg whites and yolks. Then put the egg white on your face, leave it for 10-20 minutes, then wash it off. because it drives out toxins But if you continue to do it for about 1 week, the pimples will disappear. Make your face clearer until people say hello.


How to reduce pimples urgently

1. Use topical medication

Topical topical medications can treat acne urgently. But it’s also a way to reduce pimples that may have side effects. if used improperly Therefore, the use of these drugs should be under the supervision of a dermatologist. The medications for acne vulgaris include:

  • Ketoconazole-containing medicines are effective against the yeast that causes pimples. So it’s a pretty strong drug. Before using, consult your doctor first.
  • Adapalene-containing medicines, one of the retinoid medications, help drive acne, causing pimples to push themselves out and cause pimples to be removed more easily.
  • steroids It is popular for solving skin problems. But it can cause severe allergic reactions. For those who use steroids should only be under the supervision of a doctor.

2. Acne treatment

If the natural way to reduce pimples is still not up to date Turning to the clinic to choose a treatment for pimples It is also a popular method. Because these treatments combine the use of medical equipment to help push vitamins. and various nutrients into the skin gently up to the cellular level Make acne inflammation dry faster. Pimples and acne breakouts are reduced. and reduce the redness of the allergic rash as well


3. Do a laser

Laser treatment is another way to solve problems directly and see results quickly. Answer the question of anyone who is impatient The laser can be selected for specific problem areas or the entire face. In addition to getting rid of pimples It can also deal with other acne breakouts, but it can also have side effects, making your skin sensitive and light-sensitive. After doing so, you should take good care of your skin. In order not to cause irritation or blemishes – freckles, dark spots.

Dealing with pimples is not as difficult as you might think. Let’s try to apply these methods. So that our faces come back to be healthy. You don’t have to deal with acne anymore. However, if you use the method to reduce pimples above, it still doesn’t get better. You should consult a dermatologist to find out the cause and treat it according to your skin type. It is more suitable.

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