How true is the imminent occurrence of an earthquake in the Harar area?… After news was received about strange sounds originating from rocks

There was news of strange sounds coming from rocks in the Harar area, and an indication that an earthquake was imminent in the area, which caused terror and panic among the people.

In this context, LBCI verified the matter and found that the matter was not true, and the Akkar Trail group reported on its Facebook account, saying: “Nothing in the Valley of Hell and its surroundings, no rock sounds and no preparation for an upcoming earthquake. A group of enthusiasts published news without verifying it.” And the means of communication and some media outlets began to transmit it without bothering to ask, just for the sake of media scoop and to get more likes. To stir up panic among people in this way is shameful and shameful, especially because of the negative effects it caused, with which justifications or apologies are useless.

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