“I have heard worse things from people more important than him”: the harsh cross between Guarello and the mayor of Antofagasta

“Two months that the stadium has not been cleaned and the field has not been watered or cut. And (Sports) Antofagasta pays 7 million pesos per month to use the stadium. That is the rent. If Antofagasta doesn’t play for free there. So, Antofagasta is going to have to play the first home games in Iquique”.

With this analysis, journalist Juan Cristóbal Guarello referred to the situation affecting Deportes Antofagasta, which had to change venues on the first date of the National Championship due to the poor state of the field at the Calvo y Bascuñán Regional Stadium.

“This is the direct and sole responsibility of the municipality headed by the illustrious Mayor Jonathan Velásquez Ramírez of the People’s Party,” said the communicator in Telethirteen.

Likewise, he maintained that “I have seen onion plantations where the ball would go more straight.” In passing, he sent a message to the city’s mayor, Jonathan Velásquez.

“Mr. Mayor, you cannot govern over the internet. Because he believes that you can govern through direct. And the money to do this? Either they stole it or they don’t know how to do it, and both answers are bad,” he closed.

The mayor answered

Through social networks, the mayor published a video from the aforementioned field and responded to Guarello.

“He could have called this mayor’s phone number, which appears on the website of the municipality or on my social networks. I am going to clarify several things: I am not from the People’s Party, I am 100% independent. I do not work through social networks, I am 100% in the field and in these seven months I have made many changes around the city,” said Velásquez.

Along the same lines, he clarified that Club Deportes Antofagasta “since 2017 they do not have a contract. They pay per game, to rent this field, but apart from that they use space in the stadium, such as a gym. They also had taken over a space as a laundry, which is in unsanitary conditions.”

“When I was a candidate I said it: I am going to clean the house, I am going to improve the resources. I don’t know why he didn’t take the time to call me on the phone, to ask me. Even like saying that my management is stealing. That is not like that. What he says is very serious, “he added.

Regarding Guarello, he maintained that “I read his books, I followed his publications, I greatly admired his work. I did not understand why Eduardo Bonvallet laughed and disqualified him. Now I understand a lot of things. It is very easy to call and investigate.”

“I miss a journalist like Néstro Isella, like Tito Fouillioux or Julio Martínez. People who spoke with reason and did no harm to anyone. I’m very sorry about what happened. This commentator speaks without foundation”, he closed. In the registry, Velásquez shared a short video of Eduardo Bonvallet, who summoned the journalist.

“Tell me what you want”

After reviewing the mayor’s statements, Juan Cristóbal Guarello responded to him on the radio ADN.

“This man appealed to Isella, Tito Fouillioux, Julio Martínez, Eduardo Bonvallet. He appealed to men who are no longer here, he appealed to journalism, but he never explained why the Antofagasta pitch was bad. He never gave a plausible explanation. He dedicated himself, with the ad hominem fallacy. That is to say, attack the messenger, but never deny the message”, he explained.

In addition, Guarello indicated that the mayor “never explained why the Antofagasta stadium was not only two months without watering. That field was not touched. He said the laundromat was a pigsty. Well, but if he’s the one in charge of cleaning the laundry. He did an act of tremendous demagoguery.”

“Let him tell me what he wants. I have heard worse things from people more important than him, more transcendent and of a higher intellectual and political level, but he did not give any explanation as to why the Antofagasta stadium was the way it was, “he added.

Finally, the journalist assured that the communal chief “evaded the package. That is, with blah blah, with empty words attacking the messenger, he avoided the underlying problem. Because the Antofagasta stadium is unusable and full of bird poop. And with the worst kind of demagoguery, he appears walking around the stadium field with the sprinklers running. It took two months to turn them on. No, a complete clown.”

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