“I will answer when I leave China”… Criticism ‘without one’, silent pressure


A German player called ‘Empress Luge’ said, “I will answer these and other questions when I leave China.” It’s a word of caution to say, but it is pointed out that China’s coercive control is blocking the players’ mouths.

Correspondent Park Seong-hoon from Beijing will report.


A luge team event in which a sled runs along a 1000-meter course.

< 루지 팀 계주|2022 베이징 동계올림픽 >

Germany’s Natalie Geisenberger, who won the gold medal, is off to a strong start.

There were no surprises. Together with the two male athletes who followed, they won the gold medal.

It is the moment when we achieved 3 consecutive Olympic victories.

After the match, she criticized China before the Olympics and discussed her absence from the match, and questions about human rights in China poured in.

The response returned was unexpected.

[나탈리 가이젠베르거/독일 루지 대표팀 : 독일에 돌아가고 난 뒤 더 많은 말을 할 수 있을 것입니다. 여기서는 (그런 문제에 대해) 언급하지 않는 것이 좋을 것 같습니다.]

He also said that many players are wary of what they say in China.

Free expression of opinion is restricted under the pressure of unspoken words.

In fact, until today (11th), the eighth day of the opening, there has not been a single critical comment on China.

Criticism has been raised that China has applied excessively coercive Olympic rules prohibiting political speech.

[린팅후이/대만국제법학회 사무처장 (지난 10일 / 미국 RFA 인터뷰) : 중국이 올림픽 규정을 과도하게 해석해 표현의 자유를 억압했고 그로 인해 올림픽이 ‘(중국의) 일방적 행사’로 치러지는 것으로 변질됐습니다.]

An international human rights organization has revealed that some players are even being contacted in advance to confirm what they will say.

(*Due to copyright, the broadcast video is not serviced.)

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