IBS Virus Basics Research Collaborates with the UK for Infectious Disease Research

-Agreement with the MRC Virus Research Center, which developed the first antibiotic in the world

Choi Young-ki (left), director of the Korea Institute of Virology at IBS, and Benjamin Brennan, director of the MRC Virus Research Center, are taking a commemorative photo after signing a business agreement at the University of Glasgow, UK on the 23rd. Photo = provided by IBS

The Institute of Basic Science (IBS) Korea Institute of Virology announced on the 26th that it had signed a business agreement with the British Medical Research Council (MRC) Virus Research Center for joint research on infectious diseases.

The two institutions plan to jointly study the mechanisms by which animal-borne viruses are transmitted to mammals and how the virus overcomes the host’s immune system.

The MRC Virus Research Center is the UK’s top virus research institute and has produced more than 30 Nobel Prize winners, including James Watson and Francis Crick, who discovered the double helix structure of DNA, and Alexander Fleming, who discovered the first antibiotic in the world.

Choi Young-ki, director of the Virus Basic Research Association, said, “As shown by COVID-19 and monkey pox virus, infectious diseases are a problem that the whole world, not just one country, must solve together. goal,” he said.

Meanwhile, on the 23rd of last month (local time), the Institute for Viral Basics signed a business agreement for joint research on viral infectious diseases with St.

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