If you feel that your computer is slow, try ” Ctrl + Shift + Esc” once! – OTONA LIFE

Have you ever felt that your computer is slow for some reason? There are various reasons why a computer slows down, such as insufficient memory, internal problems, virus infection, etc.

Posted on September 19, 2022,Mitchi|Mr. @mittii_biz who is familiar with computersof”If you feel that your computer is slow, try[Ctrl + Shift + Esc]. If you[Right click ⇨ End task]on the one with a large memory number, the operation will be lighter, so try it. It also eliminates the jerkyness of Zoom. In my case, Chrome and slack use a lot of memory. Don’t finish tasks you don’t understand.” has more than 27,000 “likes” and has become a hot topic on Twitter.

This time, I would like to introduce the details about this tweet and the various opinions received in the reply column.

What is task manager?

By entering the[Ctrl + Shift + Esc]shortcut key introduced in the tweet, you can call “Task Manager”. “Task Manager” is a management function that allows you to check and terminate the applications and programs running on your computer.

Do you know “Task Manager”? (Image taken by editorial department)

It’s not a function you’ll use often, but when you feel that your computer is slow, it’s mostly due to lack of memory, so let’s check here first.

Select apps with high memory usage

Let’s check “Memory” which is a tab of “Process” (Image taken by editorial department)

For example, if you are using Windows 10, open “Task Manager” and click the “Processes” tab. Then, a list of running applications will be displayed, so select the application that uses a lot of memory and click “End task” at the bottom right. There is also “End task” even if you right click when you select the application, so there is no problem even if you end it from there.

Posted by Mitch | A person who is familiar with computers said that “Chrome” and “slack” consume a lot of memory, so I checked my computer and found “illustrator” that I use for design work. However, memory was consumed by far.

Never finish a task that you are not sure about!

Twitter users who read this post commented, “It’s also important to delete unnecessary applications. Don’t you leave the applications you installed when you use your computer? , There is a possibility that the processing performance of the computer can be recovered.” If you ask me, if I do[Ctrl + Shift + Esc]first, I’ll be like someone who knows a lot about computers, so I use it a lot.” had been

Learning how to use the “Task Manager” will definitely make your computer life smoother, but unnecessarily ending tasks may crash your computer. Mitchie | As people who are familiar with computers have said in their tweets, it’s important not to finish tasks that you don’t understand.

Shortcut keys are convenient in an emergency

Normally, “Task Manager” is generally opened by right-clicking on an empty area of ​​the “Start” menu or taskbar. However, if you remember the[Ctrl + Shift + Esc]shortcut key introduced in this tweet, you can immediately call “Task Manager” even if your computer hangs up. It’s one of the convenient shortcut keys that you have to remember, so if you often use your computer for work or private, keep it in the corner of your head.

How many keyboard shortcuts do you use every day? It’s convenient, so remembering it should help.

It is recommended not only when you want to find out the cause of slow computer performance, but also when you want to forcibly terminate an application or software when a problem occurs. I want you to spend

* Thumbnail image (Image: picdic / Shutterstock.com)

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