Inauguration of the new Honduran Congress amid blows and denunciations of treason against Xiomara Castro

  • Twenty deputies from the Libertad y Refundación (Libre) Party have elected Jorge Cálix as provisional president of the chamber, thus breaking with the pact reached with his partner, the Salvador Honduras Party (PSH)

The new Congress of Honduras was launched this Friday between shouts, blows and denunciations of treason to the elected president, Xiomara Castro, after twenty deputies of his formation, the Freedom and Refoundation Party (Libre), have elected Jorge Cálix as provisional president of the chamber, thus breaking with the pact reached with his partner, Mr. Salvador Honduras Party (PSH).

“The betrayal was consummated,” Castro wrote on his Twitter profile, after Cálix’s election became known, which has caused a brawl among the deputies of the Libre party themselves, who have taken to the podium to prevent the election from being certified, even attacking him, reports ‘La Prensa’.

“The Honduran people have witnessed how once again the National Party and the dark side of the Liberal Party intend to take away Xiomara Castro’s victory and legitimate mandate,” protested PSH deputy Luis Redondo, who had been chosen in the agreements to preside over Congress.


Faced with this “betrayal”, the former Honduran president and leader of Libre, Manuel Zelaya, has defended that the “expulsion of those who betrayed” the new project “is appropriate” and trusts that the election can be annulled on the 23rd, when the new and definitive directive of Congress will be taken possession of.

Cálix has counted on the support of 85 deputies, twenty more than necessary. In addition to the unruly votes of Libre, all those of the National Party, 18 of the Liberal Party and the two of the minority forces, the Anti-Corruption Party and Christian Democracy.

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A day earlier, this group of dissatisfied deputies did not attend a meeting called by Castro to request the vote for Redondo, as part of the electoral agreements reached with the leader of the PSH, Salvador Nasralla, who will also be the new vice president.

Xiomara Castro will take office as the new president of Honduras, the first woman to do so, on January 27, and with her the left returns to power after twelve years of conservative governments, also accused of complicity with drug trafficking, in a country with high drug trafficking rates. of poverty, violence and corruption that has been established at all levels in the institutions.

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