Independent Lawmaker Kim Nam-guk’s Controversial Trip to Tokyo’s Ginza District: Coin Trading Scandal and Fukushima Contaminated Water Opposition

2023-10-02 12:13:18
/ Provided by TV Chosun Independent lawmaker Kim Nam-guk is taking a photo with a cell phone on the streets of Ginza, Tokyo, Japan on the 1st.

On the 1st, independent lawmaker Kim Nam-guk, who left the Democratic Party of Korea, was captured believed to be traveling the streets of Ginza, a busy district in Tokyo, Japan. Rep. Kim left the Democratic Party due to the coin trading controversy, and is currently recommended to be ‘expelled’ by the National Assembly Ethics Review Advisory Committee.

According to local witnesses, Rep. Kim, carrying a backpack, was waiting for a signal at the crosswalk at the intersection of Ginza subway station and took out his cell phone to take pictures of Ginza Mitsukoshi Department Store, a luxury department store in Tokyo, and the clock tower of the Wako Building, which symbolizes Ginza. Those who witnessed Rep. Kim said that he looked no different from a tourist traveling to Tokyo for Chuseok.

It was found that the aides were not aware of his visit to Japan in advance. An official from the lawmaker’s office told this newspaper, “We didn’t know about it because the lawmaker went on his personal schedule during the holiday break.” Rep. Kim’s side also told the media, “The trip to Japan is in line with political activities scheduled, including an already-arranged supporter meeting, and all travel expenses are being covered by private funds.”

Rep. Kim, along with the Democratic Party, has been shouting, “Oppose the discharge of Fukushima nuclear contaminated water.” Last June, he shared an unverified article on his Facebook page that said, ‘Japan’s discharge of contaminated water can destroy the DNA in children’s reproductive cells, reduce reproductive function, and cause deformities in their descendants.’ . ‘Some physicists and engineers are ignorant of marine ecology, ignorant of the human body, or have betrayed their conscience, so they say there is no problem because the Fukushima contaminated water is diluted in the sea.’

Previously, in June, controversy arose when Vice Speaker Kim Young-joo of the Democratic Party was caught exchanging text messages discussing a golf trip to Hokkaido, Japan, at the plenary session of the National Assembly, where the opposition party was independently adopting a resolution opposing Fukushima contaminated water.

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