Interactive Map: Tracking Coronavirus Hotspots in Germany and Worldwide

2020-06-25 07:00:00


Map: Corona hotspots in Germany and around the world

Updated: 06/25/2020, 13:31 | Reading time: 7 minutes

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The coronavirus continues to spread around the world. This map shows all infection numbers and the number of fatalities – worldwide.

Berlin. The corona virus still has the world under control – epicenters are now the USA and Brazil. A total of more than 8.4 million people worldwide are infected with the corona virus, more than 450,000 have died of the lung disease Covid-19 Our interactive map shows all infections, deaths and the number of people who have recovered in connection with Covid-19 – in Germany, Europe and worldwide

Even half a year after the original outbreak of the corona virus in Wuhan, China in December 2019, there is no end in sight. The epicenter of the pandemic has shifted from China to the USA and Brazil via some countries in Europe.

In the US so far are over 2 million people contracted the lung disease Covid-19 caused by the coronavirus, more than 118,000 died from it. With more than 955,000 people infected and around 46,000 dead, Brazil is the second most affected country by the pandemic.

In Deutschland the rate of infection has slowed down, even if isolated outbreaks still occur. Over 189,000 people have been infected since the virus broke out in Germany, 8,875 have died as a result, and around 173,500 have recovered.

Coronavirus risk areas: real-time map shows spread

Die interactive map Our editorial team shows the number of all currently confirmed cases, deaths and patients who are now considered recovered – not only in all German federal states, but also in Europe and worldwide. The currently infected are shown in red, deaths are marked in black. But it can also be seen where people are recovering from the coronavirus (green rings).

This interactive map shows the spread of the virus in Germany, Europe and around the world in real time (if you have display problems, please use the link below).

For Germany, Europe and the world there is a separate view with total numbers and a real-time ranking of all affected countries or federal states. This clearly shows how Germany has slowly risen to the top group of countries in which the virus is spreading the most. Coronavirus infection – typical symptoms, duration, origin – how is it transmitted?

At the same time, the interactive map also shows how events have meanwhile shifted to the USA. Nowhere else in the world are there so many infections and deaths. The data also gives an idea of ​​how differently the virus spreads from country to country – and how effective the political measures that have been taken are.

Corona hotspots in Germany – interactive map

In which regions can you go on vacation? This interactive map shows the corona hotspots in Germany.

Robert Koch Institute (RKI) identifies coronavirus risk areas

After the worldwide travel warning issued by the Federal Foreign Office was lifted, entry and exit to 27 European countries has been possible again since June 15. However, this does not apply to countries outside the EU. In addition, the Robert Koch Institute warns of risk areas “in which there is an increased risk of infection with SARS-CoV-2.”

These countries include:

Afghanistan Egypt Albania Algeria Angola Antigua and Barbuda Equatorial Guinea Argentina Armenia Azerbaijan Ethiopia Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belize Benin Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia and Herzegovina Brazil Brunei Burkina Faso Burundi Chile Costa Rica Ivory Coast Dominica Dominican Republic Djibouti Ecuador El Salvador Eritrea Eswatini Gabon Gambia Ghana Grenada Guatemala Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guyana Haiti Honduras India Indonesia Iraq Iran Jamaica Yemen Cambodia Cameroon Kazakhstan Qatar Kenya Kyrgyzstan Colombia Comoros Congo DR Congo Republic of Korea (People’s Democratic Republic, North Korea) Kosovo Cuba Kuwait Laos Lesotho Lebanon Liberia Libya Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Mali Morocco Mauritania Mexico Moldova Mongolia Montenegro Mozambique Myanmar Namibia Nepal Nicaragua Niger Nigeria North Macedonia Oman Pakistan Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philippines Russian Federation Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Zambia Sao Tome and Príncipe Saudi Arabia Sweden Senegal Serbia Sierra Leone Zimbabwe Somalia Sri Lanka South Africa Sudan South Sudan Suriname Syrian Arab Republic Tajikistan Tanzania Thailand Timor Leste (East Timor) Togo Trinidad Tobago Chad Turkey Turkmenistan Uganda Ukraine Uzbekistan Venezuela United Arab Emirates Vietnam Central African Republic

USA – following Bundesstaaten e.g. US Territories listed here as Risk Area: Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Iowa Louisiana Maryland Mississippi Montana Nevada North Carolina Oklahoma Oregon Puerto Rico Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia West Virginia

Coronavirus: Real-time data from national and international authorities

The data on the maps is constantly updated – for the states on the basis of reports from the WHO, European, American and Chinese authorities, which Johns Hopkins University (CSSE) compiles.

For Germany, they are supplemented by the data of Robert Koch Institute (RKI) added: We obtain the number of cases in the German federal states directly from the official press releases and reports from the state health authorities, which they either publish on their websites or send by email to their press distribution lists.

The RKI now only counts the electronically transmitted cases, which leads to strong deviations between the case numbers published by the federal states and the RKI. We obtain the global data from Johns Hopkins University, which is now (with a slight delay) taking over our data for Germany. We try to keep the official numbers as up to date as possible.

If you have display problems, please open this link:

Real-time map shows risk areas of the coronavirus around the world.

More about the coronavirus:

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