Isra kidnapped from Netherlands found after 18 years

Father killed mother and fled to Liyben with daughter

Kidnapped Isra found following 18 years – she doesn’t want to know anything regarding her grandparents

Mama Marisse with daughter Isra – back then the world was still fine.


Isra lives! Good news for her grandparents, but there is still no happy ending. The girl was kidnapped by her father Hasèn from the Netherlands to Libya regarding 18 years ago. Shortly before that, he had killed Isra’s mother, Marisse. Now a retired investigator has been able to track down Isra, who has now grown into a young woman. But what she has to say hurts.

Father killed ex-wife in front of Isra

Grandpa Ger and Grandma Clary have never given up hope that their little Isra is still alive. Now you can be sure: your granddaughter is fine. Thanks to the help of police officers Hans Kamperman and his former colleague Elly Sjouw, the girl who was kidnapped by her father so long ago was tracked down in Tripoli. But her dad seems to have brainwashed her.

Hasèn is said to have killed Isra’s mother 18 years ago – before the eyes of the small child. As the Dutch broadcaster “rtc Oost” reports, the man wrapped Marisse’s head with 27 meters of tape and only released a small piece of her nose. The young mother is said to have had no chance. She died.

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Hasèn then drove to the airport with Isra and fled in the direction of Libya on the next plane. She probably lived there for the past 18 years. Meanwhile, the man was sentenced to life in prison for the murder of his ex-wife. But there is no extradition agreement between the Netherlands and Libya.

Hasèn allows meetings with Isra

A middleman, who is only called “David” for protection reasons, managed to organize a meeting with Isra’s father with the help of police officers Kamperman and Sjouw. According to “rtv Oost”, he initially feared that Isra would be taken away from him. When he understood that the officials were not investigating him, but only wanted to arrange a meeting between Isra and her grandparents, he gave in. Hasèn allowed a meeting between David and Isra. But that didn’t go quite as planned.

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According to the report, Isra appeared fully veiled in a niqab and made it very clear that she did not want to meet her grandparents. In order to verify that the hidden woman was indeed Isra, Father Hasèn allowed her to show her face. David was completely convinced that it really was Isra.

“According to David, it was a Western-looking woman he recognized from the photos: Isra looks like her mother Marisse. He has no doubts regarding her identity. Her fiancé has a long beard and is dressed in a djellaba, a robe,” they reported the investigators later. She goes through life as a Muslim woman and lives by the Koran. Isra is engaged and is regarding to get married. The Netherlands is a closed book for her, she said.


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No reunion with Grandma Clary and Grandpa Ger

For investigators Kamperman and Sjouw, this means an end to their years of searching. A search that they end with mixed feelings, as they told the broadcaster. On the one hand there is the relief that they finally managed to find Isra and that she is still alive. On the other hand, there is the downer that she does not want to see her grandparents once more. (dky)

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