Israel-Hamas, talks failed because of Egypt. “Embarrassment”, the background –

Egypt would have “quietly” modified the phrases of the proposed ceasefire settlement in Gaza between Israel and Hamas, shocking the negotiators and successfully ruining the talks. This was revealed by three sources cited by CNN, based on whom the hand belonged to Egyptian intelligence. Based on rumors, Hamas’ Could 6 announcement on the ceasefire settlement with Israel didn’t concern the settlement that Qatar and the US believed had been submitted to the group and the adjustments made by Egyptian intelligence provoked the ire of officers USA, Qatar and Israel. “We have been all deceived,” one of many sources advised CNN.

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The director of the CIA, William Burns, who was within the area when he realized of the “Egyptian adjustments”, is described by the identical supply as indignant and embarrassed. No remark from the CIA in addition to from the Egyptian authorities. Based on what CNN gathered, the individual liable for the adjustments can be a high-ranking Egyptian intelligence official, Ahmed Abdel Khalek (quantity two of Cairo intelligence chief Abbas Kamel), who – based on a deep throat – advised the Israelis one factor and one other for Hamas to get the group’s inexperienced gentle however with out informing the opposite mediators or the Israelis. Three weeks later the talks have stalled and the truce on the battle looks like a mirage.

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#IsraelHamas #talks #failed #due #Egypt #Embarrassment #background #Tempo
2024-05-24 16:46:27

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