Israeli Soldiers Mistakenly Injured by Colleagues: Latest Incident near Lebanese Border

2023-10-09 06:49:12

The official Israeli Broadcasting Corporation reported, on Sunday night, that Israeli soldiers were injured by gunfire from their colleagues after they mistook them for being armed, near the border with Lebanon, in the latest incident of its kind as fighting intensified following Hamas’s surprise attack on the south of the Hebrew state on Saturday morning.

Incorrect diagnosis

The Israeli Media Authority reported that 4 soldiers were injured by gunfire from their colleagues near the Shatula settlement in Western Galilee, near the border with Lebanon, which witnessed tension on Sunday with a party firing missiles at Israeli positions.

Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper explained that the condition of one of the soldiers was described as moderate, while the wounds of the rest were described as minor.

The investigation into the incident showed that an army force was setting up a checkpoint near Chatula, and noticed an unknown vehicle approaching the place and tried to pass it.

The soldiers responded by shooting at the car and wounding the occupants, but it turned out that the vehicle belonged to the Israeli army.

Previous accidents

On the first day of the war, the Israeli army announced that a wrong identification by a special force led to clashes between two military forces in Ashkelon in the south.

Other incidents occurred, including that a settler was killed by army fire near Ashdod after a pursuit that lasted half an hour.
After the Israeli forces thought he was a Palestinian militant.

#Friendly #fire #repeated #Israel.. #Gaza

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