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Turns out, according to a report by the website CNBCMost job seekers are qualified to get the job they want, but when it’s time for an interview, they show tense body language or say some things they shouldn’t say.

Therefore, it is important for the employee to identify the obstacles he faces in order to be able to present himself in the best way. CNBC enumerates the reason for reaching many job interviews without getting job offers:

“you look desperate”

Some laid-off people who need a job opportunity to secure their income continuity enter with a miserable mood. Therefore, the person should remind himself that not getting a job offer does not mean that he is a failure.

The presenter should, instead of focusing on what he can get from the job, explain why he would be an added value to the company if he joined their team.

The emergence of a lack of self-confidence

If the job applicant feels unsure of his abilities, he will speak in a tense tone and anxious body language.

Therefore, the person must build his self-confidence by reminding himself of at least three skills and three achievements he has achieved to talk about during the employment interview, and to practice self-talk and convince the other party that the experiences he possesses make him qualified for this role.

Not providing enough detail

The best candidates tell their job experiences, and share concrete examples of their most impressive and appropriate accomplishments for the job they are applying for. According to CNBC, it should not be enough to say: “I succeeded in leading the relocation of an office of 100 employees,” and instead explain: “I have never “I’ve led moving an office business before, so I spoke with experts and created a list of steps to take. I delegated tasks and tracked progress, and things went smoothly because I had a strategic plan.”

Try to hide weaknesses

A job candidate tends to avoid talking about his weaknesses, but when he is transparent about what he hopes to work on, it shows that he has a growth mindset.

Looking for a job is not easy, and what is more difficult than that is getting a job at a time when unemployment rates and the number of graduates are high in several countries.

It is stated, shown previous study It included more than 20 million people, published in Science, that close friends on LinkedIn are not the best bet for a new opportunity, and instead, a person should look for individuals they do not know well, and try to contact them personally.

According to the previous report, it randomly selected more than 20 million LinkedIn users worldwide, and offered new, slightly different connection recommendations to users in each group, leading users in some groups to form stronger links and users in other groups to form more weak links. (acquaintances).

Next, the team measured the number of jobs applied to by users in each group, and the number of “job transfers” that occurred. Job transfers are especially important, defined as getting a job at the same company as the new contact. A job transfer indicates that the new contact helped get the job.

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