UCSC Chillán Institute led seminar to promote agroeconomics – La Discusión 2024-04-30 01:23:23

An event to promote and disseminate knowledge in international experiences in the agricultural-economic world, took place this Thursday in the Claudio Arrau Room, of the Municipal Theater of Chillán.

The event was organized by the Technological Institute of the Catholic University of the Santísima Concepción, Chillán Campus, and consisted of a Webinar, titled “International Experiences in Agribusiness and Agrarian Economy.”

About 80 students from different courses at the Institute, linked to the administrative, construction or industrial fields, participated in the seminar, a talk that was given by Emilio Morales, Senior Lecturer at the Business School of the University of New England in Armidale, in Australia.

The expert spoke for about 1 hour and a half, through the online modality, directly from the oceanic country. The talk was intended for all students, to expand their knowledge in the field.

The event was also attended by Rodrigo Cabrera, director of the UCSC Chillán Technological Institute, and the IT Teaching Coordinator, Alibet Venegas.

Different teachers were also present, such as Constanza Salazar, IT Specialist, Karina García, Liaison Manager, Paulina Muñoz, IT academic and Claudia Suazo, Coordinator of the Business Incubator and Innovation Manager of the Ñuble UCSC region.

In that sense, Rodrigo Cabrera commented that the event served so that students could learn different theories related to the agroeconomic world, linked through experience and what was developed in the area within the region.

“Under this internationalization project that we awarded ourselves as headquarters, we held that Webinar, where Dr. Emilio Morales gave us all his knowledge based on the agrarian economy and also agribusiness,” he indicated.

The director explains that the development of this talk “is very important, because it introduces our students to the important economic activities that the region has, because they are going to be the future professionals who are going to enter the agricultural world.” .

It should be noted that the funds for the Webinar were granted through a Competitive Fund for Internationalization activities, awarded by the UCSC and destined for the regional IT.

Opportunity for students

The activity was focused on students of IT majors, so they were able to learn from first source the experience of how agriculture, economics and agroindustry are developed outside of Chile.

“We can innovate in the use of these products and their technology. For example, in the case of quinoa, its consumption and sales method is being innovated. It is something that is seen in Australia and can be done in Ñuble. It is a possibility to innovate in these products,” indicated Emilio Morales, expert who led the Webinar.

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