Its harm is great.. 6 foods you should never eat at dinner

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According to the site "Insider"experts recommend staying away from starches, such as potato And pastries, because they quickly turn into sugar through the metabolism process, and then, the hormone rises Insulin.

When this effect occurs, what a person ate does not turn into energy for the body’s work, but rather ends up in the form of fat that worsens. obesity.

Obesity caused by unhealthy eating has become a cause of widespread concern in the world, especially in developed countries, due to the resulting diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure.

Experts also advise not to eat spicy foods at night, because they lead to heartburn, which is very annoying for the sleeper.

And another food ingredient that is recommended to stay away from at night, is "simple carbohydrates"which he described as simple, because the blood circulation absorbs it at a rapid rate.

Simple carbohydrates are found in many foods with a high level of glycemic, such as sugar, pizza, bread and soft drinks.

In the same vein, it is worthwhile for those who eat dinner at night to stay away from foods saturated with fats such as fat and french fries, because the process of digesting them is not simple, especially during the night, because the individual does not do physical effort in most cases.

Alcohol is also a harmful drink, as it contains toxic elements that raise the stress hormone cortisol, and it increases hunger and opens the appetite for consuming carbohydrates.

While some take chocolate as a "sweetening" At night, experts warn that it contains a percentage of caffeine, and this increases the possibility of suffering from insomnia when falling asleep.


According to the “Insider” website, experts recommend avoiding carbohydrates, such as potato And pastries, because they quickly turn into sugar through the metabolism process, and then, the hormone rises Insulin.

When this effect occurs, what a person ate does not turn into energy for the body’s work, but rather ends up in the form of fat that worsens. obesity.

Obesity caused by unhealthy eating has become a cause of widespread concern in the world, especially in developed countries, due to the resulting diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure.

Experts also advise not to eat spicy foods at night, because they lead to heartburn, which is very annoying for the sleeper.

And the other food ingredient that it is recommended to stay away from at night, is “simple carbohydrates”, which he described as simple, because the blood circulation absorbs them at a rapid rate.

Simple carbohydrates are found in many foods with a high level of glycemic, such as sugar, pizza, bread and soft drinks.

In the same vein, it is worthwhile for those who eat dinner at night to stay away from foods saturated with fats such as fat and french fries, because the process of digesting them is not simple, especially during the night, because the individual does not do physical effort in most cases.

Alcohol is also a harmful drink, as it contains toxic elements that raise the stress hormone cortisol, and it increases hunger and opens the appetite for consuming carbohydrates.

While some take chocolate as a “sweetener” at night, experts warn that it contains caffeine, and this exacerbates the possibility of suffering from insomnia when falling asleep.

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