Jesica Cirio’s Separation Confirmed: Rumors, New Romance, and Spain Trip with Momo Benavides

2023-06-22 17:36:00

Jesica Cirio confirmed her separation from Martín Insaurralde, amid strong rumors of a crisis and after leaving the family home she shared with the politician. Despite the fact that the host did not talk about the possibility of having another partner, in recent days she was linked to Momo Benavides and now she went to Spain to be closer to her crush.

READ MORE: Jésica Cirio whitewashed her separation from Martín Insaurralde and explained the reasons

“They confirm to me that they have an affair. This is confirmed to me from his environment ”, Juan Etchegoyen brought to light in Nosotros a la Mañana about the romance that the model would be starting with a co-worker from Piso 18.

“They have a streaming program together, with Momo and with others. I bank a thousand, a thousand I bank to Momo”, the journalist continued about how Cirio and Momo met, months ago.

Jesica Cirio, very close to Momo Benavides

The model whitewashed that she is in Ibiza with some friends, for an campaign for swimsuits, which she has been in charge of showing off on social networks in recent days. The host is in Spain just one step away from the famous streamer, who is about to have a boxing match in the next few days, while she remains in Madrid, where she lives.

Jesica Cirio went to Ibiza and is very close to Momo Benavides. Source: Instagram.

The influencer is preparing to arrive in optimal conditions at the Ibai Llanos evening, where he will appear in 10 days at the Cívitas Metropolitano Stadium to get into the ring and fight with other streamers.

Instead, Jesica traveled, a few days ago, to Spain but without revealing in detail the reasons for her trip, leaving her daughter in the care of Insaurralde and has not yet revealed if she will see Momo in the fight that promises to break all records of views.

The reaction of Jésica Cirio and Momo Benavides when their relationship was exposed. Source: Social Networks

More notes about Jessica Cirio

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