Johana Cubillas squared Mirella Paz for her husband’s ‘likes’: “She wanted to go from pen… a fatal cynic” | entertainment | SHOWS

HOW STRONG. Johana Cubillasthe daughter of ‘Nene’ Cubillas, revealed the identity of the woman who would like to ‘go live’ with her husband, the Argentine Juan. According to the testimony of ‘Nena’ for Amor y Fuego, her alarms went off when she saw that Mirella Paz He gave ‘like’ to the photos where the father of his little boy appeared only on Instagram.

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“One thing is that you give ‘likes’ to a person and then be cool and follow me too, and another is that already if you want to pass as an asshole…, that is, a fatal cynic”, said the model for the Rodrigo González program. “It bothers me that a woman falls so low from wanting to get involved as it is to pretending something with a guy she knows is marriedhe added.

Johana Cubillas said that she decided to write directly to Mirella Paz to clarify the matter. “I told her ‘hi Mirella how are you, I’m Johana Cubillas, I wanted to know what was the purpose of liking the photos and following a married man, with a family’”narrated.

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According to her testimony, the singer replied and assured her that she followed her husband on Instagram because he started following her first. “Lies, because Juan doesn’t follow anyone. He also said that the likes were reciprocal, another lie, because my husband is the one who likes nobody the least, I know him, he is my husband for a reason ”indicated the ‘Nina’.


Finally, Johana Cubillas multiplied by zero to Mirella Paz and assured that he had never heard of her, except when she participated in Miss Peru while she was overweight. “I have no idea who he is, I mean, I’ve seen that he has stalked me several times on Instagram because it seems to me when he sees my stories, but I mean, all I know regarding her is that she participated in Miss Peru when she was overweight”, Indian.

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following the stop, Mirella Paz responded with everything to Johana Cubillas and described her as insecuresince -according to her- she does not even know her in person.

“Poor thing, I don’t know, I don’t care, I don’t know her. People are really wrong, yes, imagine, but oh, how insecure ”, he stated between laughs.


Johana Cubillas, daughter of the legendary Peruvian World Cup player Teófilo Cubillas, accused an alleged well-known influencer of flirting with her husband, Juan Ichazo, through social networks.

According to the daughter of ‘Nene’, an influencer, whose identity she did not give, spends giving likes to her son’s father through Instagram. What the entrepreneur denounces is that this person only ‘likes’ the photos where Juan appears alone.

“I just realized that Juan is followed by a half-known girl, with several thousand followers and she likes all the photos in which he appears alone”, Johana Cubillas said.

Likewise, the “Nena” added that such flirting with her husband is unnecessary. “Hahahaha, what need ma’am?”he expressed.


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