Join the Fight for Democracy: People’s Alliance for Democracy Demands Change

2023-07-16 12:25:00

Mob supports a long way issued a statement demanding 4 items, stoke the senator to resign and change his name to the mob “People’s Alliance for Democracy” awakens people across the country to join the fight. before announcing the cessation of the rally

at 6:40 p.m. on July 16, 2023 in the gathering area in front of the Bangkok Art and Culture Center The group’s statement was read by Ms. Artitaya Pornprom, Demo Hope Group. The essence stated that in the name of the People’s Alliance for Democracy We request the parliament as well as the people of the country as follows:

1. to condemn members of parliament in particular Senators who do not vote according to the consensus of the whole country who aim for democracy to form a government to run the country.

2. request All senators who did not vote in favor of the majority of the country’s people resigned. Then let the rest of the parliament continue to vote according to the majority of the people of the country.

3. Ask the 8 democratic parties to strengthen their strength to achieve the objectives of the promises made to the people.

4. Ask people across the country to come out and fight against the People’s Alliance for Democracy.

Then the leader announced the end of the rally. And make another appointment on July 19 in front of the parliament.

#Statement #items #Mob #July #advocating #long #hijacking #senators #resigned #rally #ended

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