July 15, 1973: Paul Getty II, grandson of the US oil billionaire, is kidnapped

2023-07-14 22:17:58

Under Saturday, July 15, the book of history records, among other things:

1783: The 182-ton “Pyroscaphe”, believed to be the world’s first steamboat, makes its first sea trials on the Saône (eastern France).
1808: The French Emperor Napoleon I transfers the crown of Naples to his brother-in-law, Marshal Prince Joachim Murat. During his seven-year reign, Murat carried out major reforms in southern Italy. (Shot by martial law in 1815, he leaves the Kingdom of Naples as an exemplary organized state.)
1848: In his capacity as German regent, Archduke Johann in Frankfurt am Main appoints Prince Karl zu Leiningen, a half-brother of Queen Victoria of England, President of the Reich Ministry (Prime Minister).
1908: In a cold laboratory, the Dutch physicist Heike Kamerlingh Onnes succeeded for the first time in liquefying 50 cubic centimeters of helium and keeping it in this state for two hours.
1913: In Switzerland, the Lötschbergbahn goes into operation. The construction of the 14.6 km long railway tunnel took more than five years.
1918: Because of the failed June offensive, Emperor Karl I revoked the command of the army group in Italy from the former Imperial and Royal Chief of Staff, Field Marshal Franz Conrad von Hötzendorf, whom he had previously promoted to the rank of count.
1918: Renewed German offensive on the Marne and in the Champagne about 80 kilometers wide.
1923: Mustafa Kemal Pasha’s wife, Latife Ussaki, is the first Turkish woman to be elected to the National Assembly.
1933: On Benito Mussolini’s initiative, Great Britain, France, Italy and Germany conclude the “four-power pact” in which they undertake to consult on issues of common interest. The Hitler regime, whose urge for equal rights is taken into account, experiences an international appreciation.
1933: The American Wiley Post takes off from New York for the first solo circumnavigation of the world in an airplane. After ten stopovers, he returns to New York on July 22nd.
1938: Japan says the XII planned for 1940 in Tokyo. Summer Olympics because of his war with China.
1943: In an “retaliatory action” for attacks by Polish resistance fighters, German occupation troops burn down the village of Szaulicze in the Białystok district. All villagers will be shot.
1943: The British and Americans agree on May 1, 1944 as the target date for Operation “Overlord”, the landing in northern France.
1948: The US Democratic convention in Philadelphia nominated President Truman as the presidential candidate.
1948: The Security Council orders a ceasefire in Palestine.
1953: The western powers propose that the USSR convene a four-power conference to discuss free elections in Germany and the formation of an all-German government and the Austrian state treaty.
1953: The comedy film “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes” by Howard Hawks, starring Hollywood stars Marilyn Monroe and Jane Russell, has its US premiere.
1958: The US is sending 5,500 Marines to Lebanon at the request of pro-Western President Camille Chamoun.
1958: A day after the coup d’état and the assassination of King Faisal II, Iraq seceded from the Arab Federation with Jordan. The United Arab Republic is the first country to recognize the Republic of Iraq.
1963: Tripartite talks between the USSR, the USA and Great Britain on a nuclear test ban begin in Moscow (agreed on July 25, signed on August 5).
1968: In the USA, a new immigration law comes into force that no longer provides for quotas for the countries of origin of applicants. Only those who have a shortage of jobs or first-degree relatives in the USA can immigrate.
1968: After lengthy negotiations, direct flights are launched between Moscow and New York.
1973: Paul Getty II, grandson of the US oil billionaire, is kidnapped.
1983: Seven people are killed in an attack by Armenian exiles at Paris’ Orly airport.
1983: At the CSCE follow-up conference in Madrid, all participants except Malta agree to the final document. A compromise with Malta was not reached until September 9th.
1988: A rocket attack by Afghan rebels on Kabul kills dozens.
1988: Premiere of the music drama “1,000 Airplanes on the Roof” by Philip Glass, as part of the Danube Festival, in the hangar of Vienna Airport Schwechat.
1998: The Sudanese Liberation Army (SPLA) announces a three-month ceasefire to allow hundreds of thousands of refugees in Sudan to be cared for.
1998: The Thomas Bernhard Private Foundation is established in Vienna. The board consists of the Germanists Jean-Marie Winkler and Wendelin Schmidt-Dengler, as well as Bernhard’s half-brother and heir Peter Fabjan.
2003: In Colombia, the government has agreed to start negotiations with the ultra-right paramilitary terror group AUC.
2003: During a fatal police operation in Vienna, the 33-year-old Mauritanian Cheibani Wague died after being mistreated. Human rights organizations such as Amnesty International (AI) accuse the Austrian executive of “excessive violence”.

birthdays: Vilfredo Pareto, Italian national economist (1848-1923); Ludwig Lohner, Austria aircraft designer (1858-1925); William Dieterle, German-US director (1893-1972); Walter Dumaux Edmonds, US writer (1903-1998); Hammond Innes, British writer (1913-1998); Bertram N. Brockhouse, Canada. Physicist; Nobel Prize 1994 (1918-2003); Philly Joe Jones, US jazz musician (1923-1985); Jean-Bertrand Aristide, Haitian politician and former Catholic. theologian and Salesian; President of the Republic from February to September 1991, 1994 to 1996 and 2001 to 2004 (1953); Brigitte Nielsen, Dan. actress, model and singer (1963); Brian Austin Green, US actor (1973).
days of death: Jean-Antoine Houdon, French sculptor (1741-1828); Eugenio Balzan, Italian journalist (1874-1953); James “T-Model” Ford, US musician (between 1919 and 1925-2013); Niko Kralj, Slovenia. designers (1920-2013); Roberto Bolaño, Chile. Writer (1953-2003).
name days: Waldemar, Egon, Bonaventura, Balduin, Gumbert, Baltram, Donald, Bernhard, Ceslaus, Wladimir.

#July #Paul #Getty #grandson #oil #billionaire #kidnapped

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