Kevin Costner Divorce Settlement: Financial Agreement Reached with Ex-Wife, Christine Baumgarter

2023-09-19 18:11:15

Kevin Costner and his now ex-wife, Christine Baumgarter, reached a financial agreement to finalize their divorce. The couple had been separated since May of this year, although they had not been able to agree on the maintenance conditions for their three children.

According to TMZ, initially the designer had demanded from the actor an amount close to $248,000 per month, to cover the expenses of Cayden Wyatt, Hayes Logan and Grace Avery.

However, the former member of the film The bodyguard declared that it was not possible to commit to that high amount.

Therefore, details the aforementioned media, Costner must pay monthly the sum of $63,000 to his ex-wife.

Likewise, both will divide the medical, school and extracurricular expenses of their three children in half.

Kevin Costner and his divorce

The report also details that Baumgarter will have to comply with all the conditions that both had set in the prenuptial agreement.

If this is not taken into account, the woman mustto return $1 million to the actor, along with covering his lawyer’s fees.

It should be noted that the couple had confirmed their separation through a statement: “It is with great sadness that circumstances beyond their control have occurred that have resulted in Mr. Costner having to participate in a dissolution action. marriage”.

“We ask that your privacy, that of Christine, and that of your children be respected as they go through this difficult time,” they added at the time.

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