Key Handover Ceremony in Kébémer: 100,000 Housing Program Beneficiaries Receive Keys

2023-12-19 01:04:43

The first beneficiaries of the 100,000 housing program received their keys this Monday in Kébémer. Indeed, 25 families received their keys from the hands of the Minister of Urban Planning, Housing and Public Hygiene, Abdoulaye Seydou Sow. “This new SN HLM city is the result of bold and concerted work intended to ultimately accommodate 318 housing units and collective facilities with tertiary level VRD facilities for a total investment cost estimated at 1,912,679,127 FCFA Including VAT including studies, works, supervision and delegated project management,” recalled the Minister.

According to Minister Abdoulaye Seydou Sow, “the consistency of the works carried out mainly concerned the earthworks and leveling of the 12 hectares of the site, the construction of 3.5 kilometers of paved roads with direct accessibility to the National Road n°2, 6.85 kilometers of buried low voltage and medium voltage electrical networks with equipment for a transformer station with a power of 630 KVA, the installation of 9.90 kilometers of buried drinking water supply pipes , the development of 18,895 m2 of paved streets, for more than 124 direct jobs generated, etc. In the coming days, the improvement of the living environment and public hygiene will be taken into account with the planting of trees along the traffic routes and the establishment of Standardized Regroupment Points (PRN) for the management of solid waste”.

Ultimately, promises the minister, “this new city will accommodate a population of nearly 3,000 inhabitants who will benefit from the amenities necessary for a healthy life in a decent setting far from the specters of floods and other natural calamities.” The Minister of Urban Planning, Public Hygiene and Living Environment did not fail to salute and congratulate the Land Development and Urban Renovation Company (Safru) which, according to him, “understood the vision well of the Head of State to precede all new housing constructions with prior servicing at tertiary level. “The development of this new city respects these standards thanks to the development work carried out,” he rejoices before announcing other development projects spread across the regions of Dakar, Thiès, Diourbel, Fatick and Kaolack.

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In addition to handing over these first keys as part of the 100,000 housing program, the minister also launched the second phase of 75 housing units out of the 300 that the SNHLM must build in Kébémer. These accommodations should be available within a year. And following Kébémer, the minister plans to carry out a new series of key handovers this Friday. The ceremony will take place in Thiès. And there, he will hand over 150 keys out of the 1000 available housing units.

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