Kickl: German “No” to compulsory vaccination “Victory of Reason”

The “No” of the German Bundestag to compulsory corona vaccination from the age of 60 (more here) is a “victory of reason” for FPÖ leader Herbert Kickl. In addition, Kickl located “a clear rejection of this disproportionate coercive regime”.

The ÖVP and the Greens, but also the SPÖ and Neos, should take this as an example and repeal the compulsory vaccination law “once and for all”, demanded the Federal Party Chairman of the Freedom Party in a broadcast on Thursday.

Austria would be the only country in Central Europe that imposed a massive intervention in the physical integrity of the population with the general obligation to vaccinate “without need”, Kickl continued.

“Our government likes to take German politics as a model for all sorts of ‘nonsense’. Now it has the opportunity to imitate something sensible and necessary for the Germans, namely the rejection of a compulsory vaccination regime that would protect the basic and tramples on freedom rights and lacks any scientific evidence,” said the FPÖ party leader.

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