KMB offers half-price rides at night, summarizing 19 routes between Hong Kong and Kowloon

KMB offers half-price rides at night

With the relaxation of social distancing measures, the Kowloon Bus Company Limited (KMB) has launched a half-price ride at night. During the event period, citizens with Octopus cards can ride on 19 designated routes by way of “first ride and then rebate”, and thus receive 50% off. Relevant routes include: 58X, 60X, 63X, 66X, 67X, 69X, 98C, 98D, 260X, 269B, 270A, 270B, 286C, 296D, 297, 603, 960, 961 and 978.

From the day after tomorrow (June 1) to June 30, citizens with adult, student or child Octopus cards or Octopus products can take 19 designated routes to the designated direction after 8:00 p.m. every day until the last bus. Enjoy half price. Citizens can enjoy interchange discounts and other fare discounts when taking the relevant routes.

The method to enjoy the half-price discount is simple. Hold an Octopus card or Octopus product for adults, students and children, make sure that there is enough balance in it, and pay the original fare of the designated route before getting on the bus; citizens can take the bus for 10 working days after boarding. Within 30 days, use the Octopus App or go to an Octopus service station to receive a half-price difference equivalent to the paid fare.

KMB offers half-price rides at night.
KMB offers half-price rides at night.

KMB offers half-price rides at night.

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