La Salle County Health Department Encourages Cervical Cancer Screenings – Shaw Local

The La Salle County Health Department is urging residents to “sock it to Cancer” on January 17, in recognition of Cervical Cancer Awareness Month.

Sock it to Cancer is a day people can wear and show off their teal socks in support of Cervical Cancer Awareness Month.

The health department encourages women over the age of 21 to get screened for cervical cancer. The goal is to eradicate cervical cancer in Illinois by women taking care and getting screened. In 2022, an estimated 14,100 women in the United States were diagnosed with cervical cancer, according to the State of Illinois. Cervical cancer, when caught early, is almost 100% curable.

The American Cancer Society reports that between 60% and 80% of American women with newly diagnosed invasive cervical cancer have not had a Pap test in the past five years and/or may never have had one. Cervical cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in the world and one of the most preventable and treatable when caught early.

In addition to raising awareness of cervical cancer, there are some preventive measures women can take. Studies have shown that regular exercise, healthy diet, routine screenings, and the cervical cancer vaccine to help prevent human papillomavirus decrease the risk of cervical cancer . HPV vaccines licensed for women and men are available. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that girls and boys aged 11 or 12 start the series of HPV vaccines. Vaccination can be started at the age of 9 years. The series of vaccinations must be completed before the age of 45. HPV vaccination is offered at La Salle County Health Unit, 717 E. Etna Road, Ottawa, by appointment and those who are interested in vaccination or want more information. can call the health service.

The La Salle County Health Department offers an Illinois Breast and Cervical Cancer Program, which can pay for Pap tests for women in La Salle or Grundy counties, age 21 to 64, who do not have insurance or who have high deductibles, regardless of income. The Department of Health encourages anyone needing more information about cervical cancer and the importance of Pap tests, the IBCCP program, or cervical cancer vaccines to contact the health department at 815-433-3366 or visit

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