Lack of vitamin B that causes fatigue… Frequent drinking and coffee, you are at fault

I have a lot to worry about and I get a lot of stress, but if you drink alcohol and coffee frequently, there is a high probability that you are deficient in B vitamins among nutrients.

The main role of B vitamins is to be involved in overall metabolic processes. It is used as a coenzyme in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins to make energy. This is the reason why B vitamins are called ‘fatigue vitamins’ and ‘vitality vitamins’. In particular, because it increases the metabolism, it can be helpful for weight loss or for middle-aged people with poor metabolism.

A role that has recently received attention is to help the metabolic process of immune substances. In particular, vitamins B6, B9, and B12 are known to be involved in the activation of NK cells known as ‘immune cells’ and the generation of T lymphocytes. In a study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2006), an international scientific journal, a randomized, placebo-controlled trial was conducted on patients. As a result, the number of T lymphocytes significantly increased in the vitamin B6 group.

B vitamins are also involved in the production of neurotransmitters, so they are used in large amounts when we focus on something. If there is a lot of stress or overtime work, a large amount is consumed, and if you enjoy caffeine and alcohol, which releases vitamin B group, you can easily become deficient. Choi Jin-seon, a nutritionist from Kangbuk Samsung Hospital’s nutrition team, said, “Because vitamin B is involved in energy metabolism and regulates the immune system and neurotransmitter synthesis, etc., symptoms such as anemia, stomatitis, dermatitis, gastrointestinal disease, and weakness may appear when insufficient.” said When you are exhausted from fatigue and stress, you need to check your diet first to increase your metabolism and immunity.

▶Animal → Eggs/Greek Yogurt = Vitamin B group is found in many animal foods such as eggs, dairy products, pork, and animal liver. In the case of eggs, the yolk contains a large amount of vitamin B12. Greek yogurt is also rich in B vitamins. Greek yogurt made with the traditional Greek concentrated method has higher whey protein, calcium, and minerals content than regular yogurt. Recently, a recipe for eating Greek yogurt with a creamy texture along with bread or salad like cream cheese is also attracting attention.

▶ Vegetables → Seaweed, bananas, shiitake mushrooms = Plant foods contain various kinds. 100g of dried laver contains not only vitamin B1 (1.20mg), but also 133.8㎍ (microgram) of vitamin B12, which is easily lacking in a vegan diet. Mushrooms such as shiitake are also rich in B12 and B1. Bananas are among the fruits. It is rich in water-soluble dietary fiber along with B vitamins, which can help in the excretion of waste products from the body. Reporter Yook Sung-yeon

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