Latest house 2 news for today October 14, 2022

Latest news and rumors house 2 for today October 14, 2022:

  1. They are returning. Alexei Bezus and Tatyana Repina were invited to the project. Bezus claims that he still has things on the reality show and had important negotiations with the management. Is there a place in the Glade for more one family with a child?
  2. Anna Samonina, communicating with fans live, joked that if she and Alexei Adeev returned to the project, she would invite Ivan Barzikov on a date, and Lyosha – Christina Bukhynbalte. Under the new rules, you can’t refuse dates, and how did the reality TV writers not think of this before?
  3. Ekaterina Gorina is dating a new member, Kirill, but is not yet ready for a serious relationship. Katya hopes that her eyes will burn when she falls in love for real, then, perhaps, the girl will think about whether she needs to have a baby. But what about the new family format?
  4. The twin boys have already become popular heroes of the TV show, we will soon see this couple on the air. The twins reportedly have fun playing pranks on girls and going on dates one after the other, according to the TV crew. Will the girls be able to guess that the guys have switched places? lucky Clave Bezverkhovashe loves such adventures.
  5. Former member of House 2 Maya Dontsova flies to Bali, because she has many friends and acquaintances there, and soon even more people from her circle will appear. Dontsova claims that she plans to live alone, but Aleksey Kupin rented a villa for her, who will meet Maya at the airport and show her a new home. Kupina, apparently, are not going to get divorced.
  6. Anton Sannikov received a summons and broke up with Ksenia Orlova. Anton was not taken into the army, but they are waiting for him at the TV set. First, the hosts kicked 6 participants out of the gate, and now they are being called back. Isn’t it strange? Maybe Anya Samonina will also be returned so that she would not be offended?
  7. David Manukyan is torn between filming on different projects, casually showing the viewers the new members of House 2. There are a lot of girls, but Artem Grant didn’t like anyone, but Tigran Salibekov’s eyes, who are in a pair, lit up. Tigran in your repertoire?
  8. Alina Jordan came to Polyana to support Vlad Dubrovsky and she liked one of the new members. As for Dubrovsky, he became part of a love triangle and hinders Tigran Salibekov build relationships with Masha Sailova.
  9. The latest house 2 news from for today 10/14/2022 – The TV project is trying to save falling ratings and invites former reality TV participants to return to House 2. Alina Jordan promised to think, Yulia Belaya refused, Ekaterina Skalon is also in doubt, but Yana Shafeeva flew to the capital from Sochi. Did Shafeeva still agree to once again plunge into the house atmosphere?

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