Leaking from the Earth’s core | Gulf newspaper

A study from the University of New Mexico, USA, revealed the presence of helium-3 (non-radioactive atoms) leaking as a rare isotope of helium gas from the Earth’s core, indicating the formation of the planet from a solar nebula.

Helium-3 is a substance that forms in nebulae, in huge clouds of gas and dust, most of which resulted from the Big Bang.

Scientists found the leakage material on the surface of the Earth previously, which led astronomers to question the theory of planet formation.

They explained that 2,000 grams of helium-3 is leaching from the Earth every year.

Dr. said. Peter Olson, a geophysicist at the University of New Mexico: “This is enough to fill a room-sized balloon, and the material is one of the wonders of nature and is evidence of the history of the Earth, which confirms the presence of large quantities in the ground.”

Through the leak, the scientists were able to calculate the amount of “helium 3” in the ground and estimated it at 10 tera to Petgram, which indicates the formation of the Earth inside the solar nebula, and scientists are looking for other gases that resulted from the nebula, such as hydrogen that leaks at similar rates and locations such as “helium 3.” ».

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