Learn about the causes of sore throat when you wake up

The winter months are one of the seasons of the year when we are most exposed to fighting the cold to exposure to viruses and air pollutionAlso, waking up with a stuffy nose and the most annoying “itchy throat” can negatively affect your mood and health in general. In this report, we learn about 7 possible causes of sore throat when you wake up in the morning, according to the “Times of India” website.

Viral infections

With the emergence of the Omicron variant, the ‘itchy throat’ became one of the most important symptoms of the virus, along with runny nose, fatigue, body aches, sneezing, vomiting, night sweats, and loss of appetite.

However, as far as itching and sore throats are concerned, it can also be linked to other viral infections including the common cold, measles, chickenpox, diphtheria, and even mononucleosis.

Depending on what you have, you may have other symptoms that range from fever, cough, body aches, runny nose, swollen tonsils, and hoarseness.

Some viral illnesses may also cause rashes and other skin problems.

air pollution

Deteriorating air quality has become a major health concern in recent times. However, air pollution can dry out the throat. Apart from that, it can give light for other symptoms including itchy skin, coughing, wheezing, breathing problems, burning eyes, nasal irritation, and high blood pressure.

dry air

During the colder months, the air in your room can become dry, which can eventually lead to a dry mouth and an irritated throat.

And if you feel the air around you is too dry, use a humidifier. You should also keep yourself hydrated throughout the day.


An itchy and sore throat, along with a runny nose, and sleepless nights can be signs of an allergy.

Some of the common allergens are dust, pollen, mold, pet dander, and more. Apart from these, some people may also be susceptible to seasonal allergies that can lead to similar symptoms.

Not having enough water in your system can also lead to dry mouth and throat the next morning because your body produces less saliva while you sleep and also sweats during the night, causing your body to lose more moisture than it can hold. Your moisture, especially in winter, when we forget to drink water.

Mouth breathing and sleep apnea

Mouth breathing during sleep, often caused by snoring and sleep problems, can lead to a sore throat when you wake up. When you breathe through your nose, it helps retain moisture in the mouth and throat, and mouth breathing has the opposite reaction.

However, chronic snoring is a major sign of sleep apnea, a serious sleep disorder in which your breathing can start and stop several times during the night.

gastroesophageal reflux

GERD at night can also disrupt your sleep patterns, and it can also make your throat hurt when you wake up. This is caused by the flow of stomach acids into the esophagus, which is the tube that connects the stomach and throat.

It can also lead to other symptoms including chest pain (heartburn), hoarseness, nausea, vomiting, and bad breath.

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