León insists on claiming the 56th Faculty of Medicine in the country, which…

Much has been said in recent days about the School of Medicinean old claim that back on stage twenty years later, but to which no one has put figures. Following the model of Almería, the last grade to be put into operation in Spain and in a city with a population similar to León and its alfoz, the building would cost almost ten million euros (six for the building and three for the equipment), and to maintain and modernize it each year, another 150,000 euros.

In the case of the Andalusian degree, the City Council ceded 17,000 square meters next to the University Hospital to take advantage of part of its facilities in the practices and its idea is to build bridges to open new strategic lines that link health with the environment and the agri-food sector , as could be done in Leon.

increase quality

Achieving the degree, the university “jewel in the Crown”, would increase the pedigree of the ULE and the city

Professor Martín remarks that a School of Medicine “It raises the quality of the system a lot, generates an incentive for professionals in terms of research and being able to teach and could retain doctors.”

The professor of Preventive Medicine and Public Health at the University of Leon (ULE), Vicente Sánchez Martín, “is optimistic” and believes that León “has compelling reasons to achieve Medicine, in addition to the popular clamor”, such as retaining the doctors to that they stay in the land where they study, offer incentives to professionals with the promotion of research and bring “a jewel in the crown” that would serve as an academic and social revulsive to cushion the population rate of aging and the decline in citizens.

Loyalty optional

Attracting future doctors could keep them working and encourage research

involved in claim the faculty Medicine number 56 in the country, Martín, assures that a good report must be prepared and that the first three courses, while the faculty building is being built, being preclinical, could be taught in the Health Sciences facilities, where already Nursing and Physiotherapy are studied. They could also take advantage of their teachers, the rooms and laboratories that already work at the University and create a good rotation in the Hospital and Primary Care. “We have enough critical mass,” he says.

Ten and “inaction”

The mayor of León does not see a problem that there are more requests in CyL and asks the Board to attend to all

Two decades ago, for many, thinking of a Faculty of Medicine in León was almost a utopia, although an exciting plan. For others, something unattainable, especially due to the limitations that the province had in health matters and because of the youth on campus. There were also those who were clear that it was a determining degree and that all attention had to be paid to it. The illusion was recovered this year and now it is necessary to take decisive steps.

The emptied Spain

The idea is to publicize the specialty of family and rural medicine from the classroom and seek followers

The Autonomous Council of Universities must include the Medicine degree in the map of degrees of the University of León. A piece of land would also have to be chosen, although initially it is not necessary to build a new building due to the sufficient and optimal equipment of the campus in its area of ​​Health Sciences and the Hospital. The University must prepare a good report to present it to the Agency for the Quality of the University System of Castilla y León (Acsucyl) and to the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (Aneca), the hardest bone, so that it can issue its verdict . That is, together with the inclusion of the degree in the registry of titles of the Spanish Ministry of Universities, the last step so that a first class of future doctors can begin their studies in León and launch a career for which each year more young people the province choose. A journey that requires technical and political gifts.

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